Here in South Carolina, many Republicans have a sticker usually displayed on the rear window of their SUV. It is a black square about 4 inches by four inches. It displays a large, capitalised 'W' in Times New Roman, with 5 point text beneath it that displays 'The President'
There is a variant of this sticker which is displayed by people who are presumably not republican where the large capitalised 'W' is replaced with a large capitalised 'F' in the same font. --The rest of the text is identical.
When I lived in Raleigh in 2002-2003, there was a group of punkers in Chapel Hill that made a name for themselves by printing stickers that read " Ask Me How I Reduce American Dependance on Foreign Oil", and affixed them to other people's Hummer's, Ford Expeditions and other large SUV's.
When There's No There to get to, I'm so There!