SherlockTheUnicorn wrote:
Mine certainly do not and I'm constantly being told I'm nasty and selfish. Since I was diagnosed about 2 years ago, not one of them has even bothered to Google it. Sure they know roughly what it is, but they don't understand what things I find difficult and they expect me to behave like an NT and get angry at me when I don't. "It's your own fault you don't have any friends, you don't join in, you don't go out to clubs and stuff." "people don't like you because you're rude and you don't look at them when they're speaking to you." "you need to stop getting so upset over tiny little things!" "sometimes i wonder if you even care, you show no sympathy to anyone when they need it!" These are just a handful of the comments I get on a daily basis. I feel so alone.
Ask these dim bulbs if you'd been diagnosed as having cancer, if they'd claim you could make yourself better if you just wanted to.
Next time one of them claims it's your own fault because you "don't join in", ask them if they really understand what autism is.
Ask them "You do understand that not knowing how to join in is one of the symptoms of autism, don't you? Why are you persecuting me for having a neurological disability? What's your next trick? Blaming a blind person because they can't see?"
Tell them flat out they're being cruel, and are poking fun at you because some of your brain functions don't work like people with average brains.
Try this with whatever complaint they have that shows their ignorance about what autism is and how it works.
Ask them if they really want you exposing yourself to people who refuse to recognize your neurological limitations, or how much it takes out of you to even TRY to interact like other people do. If they say "No, of course not" then say "Maybe I'd best keep away from YOU then and find someone who REALLY cares about me."
I know being cruel and nasty is more their way of doing things, but sometimes being blunt is useful.
AQ 31
Your Aspie score: 100 of 200 / Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 101 of 200
You seem to have both Aspie and neurotypical traits
What would these results mean? Been told here I must be a "half pint".