Marcia wrote:
hell is traditionally hot. Which is why the saying, "Not a snowball's chance in hell" would apply in this case.

But Hades was considered cold and dark, as the Underworld was in most ancient religions - and Hell has for some time been equated with Hades, so you can has your choice of fictional climes in the realm of lost souls.
Asperger96 wrote:
I am studying the rare but interesting phenomena of 2 people marrying, divorcing, and remarrying each other.
I've been married and divorced three times and had as many near misses that just never became legally sanctioned.
The only one I loved deeply, passionately - eternally - was the first. On a level beyond which normal people can even imagine. I would have happily died for her. A part of me did. It would take pages to explain and nobody wants to hear all that, suffice to say we were young and our families could not resist meddling.
When it failed, I was devastated, literally in shock. For months I wandered around in a daze, as if I had barely survived a bomb blast. The pain was a physical agony that lasted for years. Parts of my psyche were damaged beyond repair. I am no longer capable of that kind of emotion. Oh, I can care about people, certainly, and very deeply - but not like that. Those emotional nerve endings are permanently dead.
Long story short, that was almost 35 years ago. Several years after that catastrophe, we met again, and over the years have crossed paths from time to time, had a brief bittersweet tryst and continued to wander. We've both remarried multiple times, had families and careers and still keep in touch. The love between us has never been extinguished and the suggestion that no one ultimately wants to end their life alone has been broached. I'm not sure how to respond to that and may have already missed my chance to respond to it.
Would I remarry her? It's the strangest feeling I can imagine. Once it was the only thing I wanted in all the world. I would have sold my soul for it. Now, after all the pain and the loss and the years of emptiness - I'm afraid of it. I don't think I have the courage to thrust my hands into that flame again.