Hi everyone.
I am awful at introductions, but here's what you need to know for now (feel free to ask if you want more details): I'm a graduate student in the UK currently at home on a leave of absence/suspension to sort out my personal life. Went through a thorough neuropsychological investigation over the past year. In September, at age 29, I was formally diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome (not ASD, which will probably be implemented in Sweden eventually, but for now the powers that be still use the AS category). Now I am 30 and trying to figure out what this means. Reading about AS has been like reading my own biography and I am both relieved and sad about this new knowledge. Relieved because it explains a lot of things that have caused me to question my sanity over the years. Sad because I feel like I could have spared myself a lot of misery if I had known earlier. But it is what it is, and I suppose registering on this board tells you that I am looking forward to learning more from this community and hopefully connecting with some of you as well.