Joe90 wrote:
Maybe it's the way British people pronounce it, they say ''Asp-her-jer's'', and it just sounds so ugly that it makes me want to hide under the table.
Yikes, that's a new one on me. In the States, the media has everybody pronouncing it "
Ass Burgers," which is like ringing a dinner bell for bullies.
While I originally took issue with the AS designation being dropped from the DSM, I've actually come to feel that it's just as well, for that very reason. Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism have, with the single exception of a childhood speech delay, always been the same disorder anyway, and I just feel being called a "
High Functioning Autistic" sounds less insulting than saying someone "
has Ass Burgers."
Of course, Hans Asperger pronounced his name
Ahz-pair-gur, so if people said it correctly, it wouldn't be so bad, but I don't see how you could convince the whole world to change what they've learned from the media already, unless you can convince all the stupid news journalists and talking heads to stop saying it wrong.
Maybe we should enlist Arnold Schwarzenegger to do a PSA for AS, so everybody can hear the name pronounced in it's original Austrian accent.