Eureka13 wrote:
May I repeat: People come in all shapes and sizes, and what makes a woman (or man) beautiful (or not) should have very little to do with the shape of her (his) body.
"Normal" should be anything but anorexic or morbidly obese, and should include everything in between. Some men prefer skinny women, some men prefer fat women. There are whole websites devoted to "Big & Beautiful" dating.
On average, I think most people have bought into the idea that if you're showing a bulge or even a hint of cellulite, you're "too fat." "Too skinny" I think has to be more extreme before it gets thought to be unattractive.
If you're naturally skinny, rejoice! Most women gain weight as they age, so you've got a better starting place, assuming your goal is to never be fat. If you'd prefer to be plump, well, you have my condolences - it's just as hard to fight a too-fast metabolism as it is to fight a too-slow one. Also rejoice because you have the media on your side - they hold you up as the ultimate standard of feminine beauty, and many models literally starve themselves to achieve that standard. You can further rejoice in that well over half of the men's profiles on any dating site openly state that they "prefer slender/petite women." You see maybe one in 200 or 300 that specifically say they "like curvy women."
My beef is with women who starve themselves to maintain an unrealistic weight/body shape. I've known plenty of women who were "Big & Beautiful" and were perfectly healthy. Go with what god/nature/genetics gave you, embrace it, and love yourself for you naturally are.
Actually, genetics have very little to say for overall fat levels. Everyone has a basal metabolic rate required to keep the body temperature at the right levels.