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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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Joined: 25 Dec 2013
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01 Jan 2014, 12:34 pm

Okay, so it starts with buying a foreclosed house that had bats roosting in the enclosed space above the front door.

After I moved in, I tried to discourage those bats by hanging up CD's, and by leaving the lights on, and by poking at them with a long stick from the ground... None of that worked.

So, I just put up with their peeing on the walls, and having a small pile of bat "guano" which looks similar to mouse s**t, on the floor in front of my door for a long time.

Then I made a sign that says "Leave My Loneliness Unbroken", and hung it from the front door which I had previously painted orange........but those two things are entirely unrelated to the bat story, so I'll just go on telling that one.

One day when I was sweeping up the bat crap, a light bulb went off in my head that said, "If you can't beat them, join them!".

So I made a simple bat house, painted it their favourite colour, and hung it near where they'd been roosting.

It looked so handsome hanging above my front door that I felt the need to "add" to it.
I'd recently been thinking about cutting a fire extinguisher up, and turning it into a bell. Actually I wanted an oxygen tank, but since I didn't have one, a fire extinguisher it was.
It turned into my doorbell.

It got all finished off with some bike sprockets and chain.

and I give you,

"Bats in the Belfry", or at least my interpretation of it!


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01 Jan 2014, 6:46 pm
