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04 Jan 2014, 9:13 am

So how much do you "talk to yourself" mentally. I find that I often do this except when im talking to people which is odd considering the difficulties I have socialising. I find that my mind tends to go silent. I fin that most of my realisations that im doing something "wierd" are pure concept. I'll see my hand curled into a fist and the concept of "weird" arises. I dont think

"Hmm is that weird
["google inside tm" web crawler trawls neural pathways for anything pertaining to fists]
oh timothy did mention that a while back... hmmm I need corroboration however"

Sometimes I verbalise my inner discourses and will have full blown conversations out loud "to myself"> I know there's noone there but still it helps to verbalise my thoughts.

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04 Jan 2014, 10:31 am

I have a pretty much constant inner dialogue with some aspect of myself (I guess). Like I can take on two different viewpoints and discuss them with myself (and I actually can take on the opposing viewpoints.) I've been like this as long as I can remember. I don't even think about it much anymore. But some of my best conversations have been with myself. :?

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04 Jan 2014, 11:50 am

Constant, and often I verbalise it without being aware. I must seem crazy when I do. Thanks God,.i still know I am not talking to people that don't exist.


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04 Jan 2014, 1:35 pm

This is not an Aspie trait. Everyone without significant brain damage does this. It's called "thinking."


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04 Jan 2014, 1:39 pm

Would you say the voice in your head takes on acoustic properties? Does it sound loud, say?

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04 Jan 2014, 2:48 pm

Sharkbait wrote:
This is not an Aspie trait. Everyone without significant brain damage does this. It's called "thinking."

Did I at any point ask whether it was an aspie trait?
Would you say the voice in your head takes on acoustic properties? Does it sound loud, say?

Oh no I dont "hear it" its rather difficult to explain actually. Its in my accent but it doesnt have acoustical properties which seems to be a paradox worthy of discussion in its own right

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04 Jan 2014, 2:58 pm

I have almost no inner dialogue and don't think in this running commentary way. This lack of inner dialogue is autistic trait found in a few studies so far. The presence of inner dialogue is normal. Many NTs have told me that they can't get their inner dialogues to shut up. I sometimes talk to myself out loud too, and that is not discourse, but instead repetition of a few words.

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04 Jan 2014, 3:01 pm

There was a good thread about this very topic a while back:

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04 Jan 2014, 3:08 pm

Sharkbait wrote:
This is not an Aspie trait. Everyone without significant brain damage does this. It's called "thinking."

Thinking doesn't necessarily include an inner dialogue. An inner dialogue is a conversation carried out in your head, whereas thinking in itself is merily things that spring to mind. Might not even be words included.


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04 Jan 2014, 3:09 pm

I can definitely relate to the loops. Im caught in an "I have ASD I dont have ASD loop" Before it was an "Im ugly im attractive loop" and so on and so forth.I also think quite heavily in pictures however. Probably a 70 30 mix

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04 Jan 2014, 3:22 pm

binaryodes wrote:
I can definitely relate to the loops. Im caught in an "I have ASD I dont have ASD loop" Before it was an "Im ugly im attractive loop" and so on and so forth.I also think quite heavily in pictures however. Probably a 70 30 mix

Do you actually think those sentences, or is that just a feeling you have? I tend to have sentences stuck in my head, that doesn't really have any significance. A sentence that keeps popping into mind is, translated into English "imagine being allergic to mushrooms", which of course, wouldn't really be weird at all, and is a completely meaningless thought. I often get the urge to verbalize these thoughts, but I usually keep from doing that.


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04 Jan 2014, 7:05 pm

I have concepts and images more than sentences. I can know something and have a hard time putting it into words and sentences. I feel like I lose a lot of what I know when I put it into words.


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04 Jan 2014, 8:28 pm

Trontine wrote:
binaryodes wrote:
I can definitely relate to the loops. Im caught in an "I have ASD I dont have ASD loop" Before it was an "Im ugly im attractive loop" and so on and so forth.I also think quite heavily in pictures however. Probably a 70 30 mix

Do you actually think those sentences, or is that just a feeling you have? I tend to have sentences stuck in my head, that doesn't really have any significance. A sentence that keeps popping into mind is, translated into English "imagine being allergic to mushrooms", which of course, wouldn't really be weird at all, and is a completely meaningless thought. I often get the urge to verbalize these thoughts, but I usually keep from doing that.

ah the loop is conceptual. Its a subject if you will on which my thougths have become (un)hinged. I'll obsess over those ideas endlessly relating everything (And I mean everything) back to them.

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04 Jan 2014, 8:46 pm

Sentences I write or script sometimes start looping in my head because I repeat things a lot.


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04 Jan 2014, 8:55 pm

I suppose there is crossover with OCD here. The benedictions used by obsessives to ward off iminent doom could be considered loops

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04 Jan 2014, 11:48 pm

I have a lot of inner dialogue. Well, I spent the ages of 5-14 being a selective mute so I had a lot of conversations with people sitting right next to me in my head. I was reading awhile ago, I think it was a thread here, about how some people don't hear that inner voice when they read. Very strange, not only do I have this voice it takes on other accents, especially if it helps me read better. For example when I write my journal entries I have Stephen Fry's voice in my head and my writing takes on his style. I read his whole autobiography with this voice in my head too.

I still have the inner monologue when around people but I think the type of environment I'm in puts me in a state of shock and over stimulation. I've still got inner thoughts but it's not as strong. I certainly can't hear Fry in my head any longer. One thing I have less of when around people is creative ideas. It's just a very chaotic place to be and my that rich world of thoughts just gets turned down.

I speak many of my thoughts out loud too. To quote one rather attractive Doctor Who: "My head is just too full of stuff."

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