...is not a gender identity. Sorry for nitpicking, but I read it so many times in this forum (where I'm mostly lurking) and it always irks me. You can only look androgynous, but not feel androgynous. The gender identity that you're looking for is either androgyne, agender, bigender, genderqueer, or genderfluid.
Another pet peeve of mine is "transgendered". No matter how many journalists, bloggers and Wikipedia authors use this term — I think it can even be found in some dictionaries — it is definitely wrong. While the term "gender" is a noun that can be adjectivized by adding the suffix -ed, "transgender" is already an adjective. Try using it as a noun, and you will realize that you can't have a transgender, nor can you be a transgender. You can only be a transgender person/man/woman, or trans person/man/woman for short. A transgendered person is overkill and sounds just as wrong as masculined, femaled, lesbianed or heterosexualed.