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12 Jan 2014, 5:49 pm

Just bought my first smartphone. Quivering with excitement dulled somewhatby my fear of dropping the thing. Anyway any apps that would be useful for someone with aspergers. My deficits are primarily executive and emotional (cant handle or objectify emotions). I have very basic social instinct but im also not particularly skilled in real time social interaction or in understanding my role in the larger social context

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12 Jan 2014, 11:20 pm

Any.Do is a syncing to-do list that runs in Android, Chrome & iOS. I've used it personally & at work for a few years on the merits of the Android interface alone.

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13 Jan 2014, 12:19 am

Training Faces might be a useful app as it focuses on improving the identification rate of other people's emotions:

"The app is geared to help in three distinct ways; improve recognition of the emotion, the meaning behind the emotion and then the speed at which the individual can interpret the emotion."

Hope this helps,


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13 Jan 2014, 6:03 am

Hi binaryodes! How exciting for you! Google now is good. It comes built in to new devices. Swipe up from the bottom to activate it, then press the little microphone icon to talk.

It takes a bit of practice feeling comfortable talking to an inanimate object but once you learn to treat it as a second brain you will find it useful.

You can have it remind you of things, text people, find things for you. Treat it like a personal assistant.


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13 Jan 2014, 10:02 am

I just got my first smartphone too :D

I like apps that sync with something, so that if my phone gets lost then I don't lose everything

However, I haven't found any apps geared directly toward Aspies


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13 Jan 2014, 5:14 pm

Yup yup yup! Arrived today and ive been glued to it all day :lol: its like being introduced into a new type of consciousness. The best thing is the seamless transition from computer to phone phone to computer. I really understand what the futurists mean when they refer to ubiquitious computing. As we continue to shrink our devices our relationship with them is set to become ever more "intimate".

Best app so far is spotify! I have access to millions of tracks at £10 a month and I can even sync them to my Galaxt S3 for offline play. There are even audiobooks on the network now.

Oh is another must have app for those suffering from misophonia. It produces white pink and brown noise with progammable volume oscillation. Theres also a fine selection of natural sounds to choose from. Oh its 62p to download, but on android phones you need merely visit the website ... implyNoise

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15 Jan 2014, 1:33 am

O.O Just downloaded a gameboy advance emulator. I can now play Pokemon Red Blue Gold silver etc on my android phone with FULL functionality. Im so happy I could weep. To think I was considering buying a DS. I had no idea that I could rent a phone for 20 a month and play DS GBA Playstation PSP Snes Genesis etc games on it.

So i'd say that the manyconsole emulators are great aspie apps. Pokemon is quite possibly the most stereotypical aspie game of them all in terms of the act of collecting pokemon and the strategy involved in battling with them. Then theres the rich "pokélore" each pokemon has.

I believe that you can get X and Y on the Android too. The corrolary is of course to only download games you have owned or own. Im also obviously constrained by the rules from recommending any specific apps if anyone asks heh

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15 Jan 2014, 8:23 am

I need an app that is one hundred percent literal "minded"


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15 Jan 2014, 10:00 am

Have you discovered widgets yet? You can put the Google Now widget on your homepage and it'll give you a list of reminders. The calender widget, set to upcoming, will give you a list of upcoming calendar events.

Also, if you update to Kitkat (Android 4.4.2) you can activate voice control just by saying "hello Google".

Have you seen the little notifications bar at the top? If you drag down it'll tell you if you have any emails, texts, voicemails, etc. It's clever, so it won't alert you about emails you don't care about. Two finger swipe down on notifications expands them, so you can read texts right there. Wrong planet notifications pop up here for me. Swipe left to throw them away. Click the stack icon to clear.

Have you discovered the Google drive integration? You can have it synchronize new photos and videos to Google plus for backup. You can share them, or keep them private. I use this for keeping receipts, I just snap a photo, it goes up to Google drive, and I can bin the bit of paper. Recently I've started using Dropbox for this too.

Lockscreen widgets are cool. I have a torch set to the left of my home lockscreen. I just swipe the locked phone right and it turns on a torch. Handy for nighttime trips to the woodshed. Swipe left and it opens the camera.

The GMail app is excellent. I get a lot of email. Google filters almost all of it out for me, so now I only get a few emails a day. Swipe to archive.

If you want to get really in depth, look at tasker. You can configure you phone to do certain things in response to particular events, for example, I have mine set to go into silent mode between the hours of 11pm and 7am, unless the same person calls me twice within 5 minutes, in which case it will ring.

I pretty much suck at executive functioning, so I use all these features to "fill in" the missing bits of my brain so to speak :)


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18 Jan 2014, 8:28 am

Thanks :-D Love these suggestions parituclarly tasker. Ive downloaded evernote on your suggestion I think. Im also considering downloading some of the personal assistants. Theres a siri port as well as a few other more advanced ones. I like the idea of being able to "interact" with my phone :lol:

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29 Mar 2016, 5:03 pm

What I don't get are these extra add on's for android OS which serve no purpose other than confuse and stupefy anyone who wants simplicity with a unique model handset.
There are all these names I don't get and there is too much competition with android vs I-phone, smartphone.
If China don't like replicating mass production lines of one product they end up filling their pockets onto something else. I already had problems altering my own H.P operating system to new internet protocol and now I can't even find something which doesn't use up battery or run on standby for aps which are connected forever to the internet.

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30 Mar 2016, 12:54 pm

binaryodes wrote:
Just bought my first smartphone. Quivering with excitement dulled somewhatby my fear of dropping the thing. Anyway any apps that would be useful for someone with aspergers. My deficits are primarily executive and emotional (cant handle or objectify emotions). I have very basic social instinct but im also not particularly skilled in real time social interaction or in understanding my role in the larger social context

I am not sure this helps, but during my Artificial Intelligence studies, I stumbled across an idea that might help you objectify emotions.

Neuroscience tells us that emotions result from chemicals effecting the brain in various ways; which can always be found in some arbitrary ratio to each other, meaning that no one chemical is ever the only thing effecting cognition. This arbitrary ratio, because its a ratio, can be expressed mathematically and thus can be represented by a combination of values.

Affective behaviour, behaviour with emotional content or motivated by emotion, can then be described in terms of these chemical ratios and actions that alter these ratios towards a particular desired state, usually determined by a ratio biased towards checmicals such as dopamine; which is know to effect the limbic (emotional) system of the brain are illicit feelings of happiness.

I hope that is able to help. Also, for apps, I suggest MeetUp. It helped me practice my social skills and meet new people (that I wouldn't necessarily have to have awkward conversations with later if I messed something up :P)

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31 Mar 2016, 8:31 am

binaryodes wrote:
Just bought my first smartphone.
I have very basic social instinct but im also not particularly skilled in real time social interaction or in understanding my role in the larger social context

When you think about it, emoticons are generally confusing via apps or text.
Seeing as the O.P hasn't used this site for nearly two years, I'd assume that he's found a smartphone that meets his requirements.
On the other hand, one may find my choice limited to the sales. Not such a bad thing.