Caught in a Logical Loop for Dating
So all my adult life I've been caught in this logical loop that's really undermined my dating life and I think its high time I get some advice on this from the Gay community.
I'm 6'2" 210lbs. white guy with blonde hair and blue eyes. I have the potential to have one of those bodies a lot of people strive for with nice muscles and that V-shape, its just how I'm built. Unfortunately because I know this it causes me to be in this awful logical loop when it comes to dating. I try to go to the gym (I actually have a 6 day a week schedule) and sometimes I do quite well at going regularly. However, I am also a video game addict (I've tried to quit for a decade now but I simply can not find a suitable special interest to do my mental "resets" on quick enough after I quit before I just about go nuts from no reset). So what ends up happening is that I end up falling off my gym schedule because some days I get so socially frazzled from work that I can think of nothing but getting to my games to reset myself again and I don't go to the gym. I get irritated at myself that I can't shift my focus. That plus the actual physical degradation of playing games as much as I do really sets me back physically so I'm perpetually in this mindset where I know that my body could be awesome but its not because of my own inability to control my mental needs.
So you must ask yourself how does this tie-in with dating? Well what happens is when I date other men I often end up with guys who just aren't very physical and don't have nice bodies (often worse than mine) but have nice personalities. Although it seems like this should be the more important thing to base a relationship on, in the end the lack of physical drive and fire makes me leave them. I then see the nice guys with nice bodies and I tell myself I'm not good enough for them because I can't even get over my own issues of motivation so I don't yet deserve to have a guy like that so I keep dating guys I think I deserve due to my failings. I keep telling myself that my prize for making better decisions will be a higher tier of dating potentials. But I just keep failing myself and never get there and looking at past performance, nothing indicates that I'm every going to get myself under control. So you can see the negative logical loop I'm in here.
I know some of you will ask why I can't make lifting/gym my special interest. It is in a way however, it 1. does not really do the mental reset to overcome my social exhaustion (its not mind-numbing) and 2. I simply can't do it for enough hours straight (2 MAX).
Any advice I can get to overcome this problem would be greatly appreciated. And yes I know to some of you this whole thing will come across as shallow but I do value the personality and give it a lot of weight, but we are not just mental beings, we have physical chemistry too and to discard the latter would make me even more disappointed in myself. I feel like I would have wasted my potential.
In order to increase your time at the gym for longer periods, you could add non-strenuous activities if available such as sauna use or swimming/jacuzi to relax, and I don't mean laps. You could add another hour on there. When I used to go to the gym regularly that was about as far as I can stretch things out to take up time.(pun alert) I don't know if that would make a difference for you or not.
As for finding activities, you would either need to dig something up that you used to do for fun, but haven't, or you would just need to go out and try some new hobby. The risk is that you may spend some time doing those things and find out that you don't want to and you're back where you started with gym and vid games.
Also there is this --
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