Ticker wrote:
Since autistic parents usually make autistic children I think it is wrong to create someone that will have a life of hell.
Please understand my forthcoming bluntness. The above claim seems to require it, especially being so bold as to say, "...someone that WILL HAVE a life of hell."
Such statements can only be arrived from projecting one's personal feelings and applying them to everyone else. It isn't much different than someone who feels hot tells another person she is also hot (pardon the pun
) but the person being told that really is not.
We have no right to judge others in that regard. My life was less pleasant when I felt I should not express my thoughts because of knowing how they would be received. Then I realized people express their thoughts all the time, so I figured why don't I too join in and become alive like everyone else? The result of such a revelation? Life isn't heaven, but I do know mine is NOT HELL and my respect decreases for those others who imply otherwise.
"Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?" declares the LORD. "This is the one I esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word." – Isaiah 66:2