Which Movie Genre Should There Be More Movies Of?

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Which Movie Genre Or Sub-Genre Should There Be More Movies Of?
I Just Want To See The Results 4%  4%  [ 1 ]
Film Noir 12%  12%  [ 3 ]
Westerns 8%  8%  [ 2 ]
Musicals 8%  8%  [ 2 ]
War 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Mockumentaries 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Docudramas 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Screwball Comedies 12%  12%  [ 3 ]
Melodramas 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Crime Movies 4%  4%  [ 1 ]
Adventure Movies 12%  12%  [ 3 ]
Documentaries 4%  4%  [ 1 ]
Other {Please Name The Genre} 38%  38%  [ 10 ]
More Than One Listed 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Total votes : 26


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27 Jan 2014, 4:58 pm

I expanded the poll question to clarify myself, but IMO, I'd like to see more film noir movies that can stand on their own, but at the same time pay homage to classic film noir movies.

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27 Jan 2014, 5:19 pm



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27 Jan 2014, 5:41 pm

[X] Other: Science-Fiction / Action-Adventure / Space Opera


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27 Jan 2014, 6:18 pm

Horror. I love me some Horror. French, Korean, Japanese, Icelandic, you name it. If it send it chill up my spine it's worth seeing.


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27 Jan 2014, 11:13 pm

I'd actually like to see more intelligently-made Christian films, that don't dumb down the story for a mass audience. "Hidden Secrets" was a great effort in 2006, along with the 2002 drama "Joshua" that starred Tony Goldwyn. We need far less of the "hellfire above all else" message, and much more balance between God's justice and love.

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29 Jan 2014, 5:46 am

I selected crime, just because I kind of dig stuff about assassins, bank heists, insane killers, drug dealers, criminal investigations, and other stuff like that. A lot of people get their jollies watching glitzy action movies and thrillers, but I prefer my fare to have a bit of realism, seriousness, and subtlety, rather than dumb explosions and whatnot. I mean, I do still enjoy the occasional actiony romp, but there are too many of them nowadays and a lot of them just seem copied and pasted.

For much the same reason, I also find that I tend to enjoy independent films. Since indie directors often don't have the budgets to invest in a lot of special effects or other eye-candy, they go for more intelligent, innovative plots and ideas instead.

Last edited by mr_bigmouth_502 on 29 Jan 2014, 10:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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29 Jan 2014, 7:01 am

Additional astronomy documentaries!


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29 Jan 2014, 5:19 pm

More Westerns, pilgrim.

And not the artsy-fartsy kind either.

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29 Jan 2014, 10:30 pm

Fantasy, Science Fiction.

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30 Jan 2014, 1:59 am

I personally will never get sick of sci-fi cinema, particularly when set within the Crap-Sack World trope. Anything exploring the human condition through a veneer of androids, mutants and aliens will always capture my heart. Monster movies and post-apocalypse films usually do it for me too.

However, I recently read a comment by a film producer (forget which one) who said something like:
Most people go to see movies not because of the genre, but because of the story.


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30 Jan 2014, 2:26 am

Screwball comedies! FTW!! !

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30 Jan 2014, 3:11 am

I'd like to see more Westerns made today, but I also consider them to be a subgenre of historical films, which I'd like to see more of. Especially Dutch productions, though. The Dutch have a woefully poor understanding of their own history.

Now if you were to ask me which movie genre should there be LESS movies of, it would definitely be superhero movies. It's basically just a subset of action films, and it's essentially what mainstream action films have morphed into since circa 2003-ish with X-Men and Spider-Man, but man do I miss the days when superhero comic book movies were more of a rarity, and we'd actually have good, off-beat stuff coming out, like 'Blade' and 'Hellboy'.

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30 Jan 2014, 5:58 am

CyclopsSummers wrote:
I'd like to see more Westerns made today, but I also consider them to be a subgenre of historical films, which I'd like to see more of. Especially Dutch productions, though. The Dutch have a woefully poor understanding of their own history.

Now if you were to ask me which movie genre should there be LESS movies of, it would definitely be superhero movies. It's basically just a subset of action films, and it's essentially what mainstream action films have morphed into since circa 2003-ish with X-Men and Spider-Man, but man do I miss the days when superhero comic book movies were more of a rarity, and we'd actually have good, off-beat stuff coming out, like 'Blade' and 'Hellboy'.

The other day I was just randomly thinking, and I realized that a shockingly large number of mainstream movies nowadays were superhero adaptations. I do like the occasional one, don't get me wrong, but it feels like they're just far too common nowadays. That, and I've never really been a big fan of superheroes in general; Batman and the Punisher however are two of my favorites simply because they don't actually have superpowers, thus they buck the trend somewhat :P


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30 Jan 2014, 9:34 am

Even when you're not talking about superheroes, lots of movies/tv shows today are adapted from comics.

Hollywood is lazy and comic books are like ready made storyboards just begging to be filmed.

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31 Jan 2014, 11:31 am

Horror. Fantasy. Sci-fi. Catastrophe movies. Dystopian movies.

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01 Feb 2014, 4:02 am

Science fiction, fantasy and horror have always been my favourite genres so I'm always keen to see more of them.

To non-fans it must seem as if there are a lot of them around already.

But I want the good stuff.

I want horror movies that are actually frightening and disturbing - note that this doesn't equate to "violent" and "gory". I'd rather see more movies like "Eraserhead" than "Hostel". I had enough of weak sauce remakes of past classics. Occasionally I want to see a few people in the cast over the age of 21.

I want intelligent, serious science fiction, not just summer blockbuster, action-adventure comedy romance star vehicles with lots of special effects.

I want original fantasies suitable for all ages (even adults), not just stuff based on young adult novels padded out endlessly over three bloated movies.

I want the moon on a stick, basically :D