I will intensely notice certain things, like the contours of my physical environment - things moved, colors changed, new items - and with people, it's usually the physical aspects - new glasses or hair or clothing items - socks that are not a perfect match - stuff like that...but what someone says, or does, or social aspects of other people's interactions - that I still have to work at and often will be naively oblivious. I'm pretty good with children, but with adults - I think I've improved...but it has taken a lifetime.
When I was in my twenties I worked for a company (decades ago) that had people doing major illegal stuff (drug shipments etc...trips to South America by the boss on his private plane etc...) I had NO idea what these guys were up to - I was just blithely doing my assigned projects - highly technical artwork applications - which was the cover business for the real money making operations. So while I was paying acute attention to my kilns and the art process, major sh*t was going down right under my nose (and no I didn't smell or see anything). I had no interest or involvement in the office end of the business, or how the legitimate products were marketed - I just did my work, collected my pittance and ...
I ended up quitting after I got pregnant and decided not to continue because of possible chemical exposures in the working process...And I was totally shocked when the boss and one of his main partners got busted a few months after I left...turned out my husband at the time was fully aware of the whole situation along with about half the other people I hung out with...and yeah, that whole scene imploded a few years later, too.
Last edited by BornThisWay on 04 Feb 2014, 9:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.