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01 Mar 2014, 3:58 am

Is it harder for Aspies, nerds and socially awkward types to date the same sex?

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01 Mar 2014, 9:48 am

It's harder to date, period.

I could certainly see why it would be harder being gay and having ASD.


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01 Mar 2014, 9:51 am

It would be FAR harder to stomach dating people I have no desire to be with and can't relate to than it is to find someone I can relate to.

I tried dating men before I came out and it was so much worse than anything I have done in dating the womyn I have dated. My main trouble is just in finding dates where I live.

?The first duty of a human being is to assume the right functional relationship to society--more briefly, to find your real job, and do it.? - Charlotte Perkins Gilman
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25 Mar 2014, 4:47 pm

If someone is obviously gay then it is easy for them as everyone knows they are.

For a male that is gay, bi, or curious and acts like a straight (Hetrosexual) person it is harder because everyone pressumes that they would like a girlfriend.
So not only do they have the worries about asking someone out, but also that if they ask out a member of the same sex that they may get a homophobic response. And also that that person may tell other people and that as a result people that used to be friends won't like them anymore.

My personal opinion is that gender is irrelevant. If 2 people love eachother what does it matter if one has a penis & the other a vagina, or both have a penis, or both a vagina. Love is Love.
Love is being willing to sacrifice oneself for someone else so that they may prevail.
Gender is irrelevant in my opinion, as it is the person inside that is important.
Whether they are a good person or a bad person.

Just the SAME WAY that God sees us.

We, the people on the Autistic Spectrum have a choice.
We can either try to "fit in" with the rest of society, or we can be so egocentric that we can't be bothered.
I choose the actor. I observe NT's. I listen to their socializing. I practice it, so in social situations I can just emulate/mimic what is expected.
It isn't natural for me, but it enables me to "fit in".
It is VERY tiring and draining, but at least we can appear like them even though it is an act. Like being on the stage.
They can't see it is emulation, and so we are accepted.


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26 Mar 2014, 7:11 am

Well, I've never dated females, so I can't really do a fair comparison, but I've always got on better with guys. I expect dating would be harder if I were heterosexual.