I have the problem, that I am not a verbal thinker. I had big problems mentioning my thoughts in a way, that made others able to understand me, until I learned of writing essays in grammar class.
Before that, I simply always picked out parts of my thoughts, but because of the huge amount of related thoughts missing, people could not understand why I was mentioning, what I was actually mentioning.
When learning to write essays you learn to start with grasping the concept of your thoughts, get that in an introduction, then to order the related thoughts to one another, so that others are able to follow, what you are talking about.
I am jealous about people being able to point straight out, what they are thinking, but I cant. For me having a thought is a giant ball of related topics, that I then need to get in an linear and verbal way. As well that I am verbally partly disabled. So writing and reading is the way of communication for me, that is for me as easy, as is talking for others.
On the other side, I have often problems to understand the meaning of that small post. So someone is writing something, but not explaining, why is he writing that, so it makes no sense.
As example I do not understand, why you automatically think of that as selfish. You are a free person, and if reading is complicated for you, or if reading to long articles, causes you not to be able to memorize anymore, what the post was about in the beginning, I dont blame you. Everyone of us, has its problems, and thats the way it is, and we need to accept that.
But the way I accept your probs, I´d expect you as well to accept mine and not get into bad NT-habbits as blaming everyone, that does something, that seems weird for you.