VladimierNorton wrote:
Battlefleet gothic is.
I never played any of GWs specialist games. I am interested in playing Gorkamorka, but now one plays it anymore. Oh well, kind of saddens me how GW just abandoned the Specielist games division.
Theres a GW store near my town, but near means going long distance. There is a comic store that has Warhammer 40k games real close to me.
As for models, I have a few. Usually, I use cardboard squeres to represent models until I can get the model. I like the guard models. There usint are simple. A tank is a tank, a APC looks like a APC, ect. I also like how the Ork models look, but that is more of comical effect.
You don't happen to live in Michigan do you, because the game store, I'm referring to is Gamer's Gauntlet, and all they sell is Comics, MTG, Warhammer, and a few family board games. The GW is somewhere up in Rochester.
Before I moved to Michigan, I was in a gaming group where everyone of them except me played Warhammer 40k. I was always short on money in college so I couldn't just spend it all on the pieces to play. Now with a somewhat wellpaying job, I can afford it, but I feel I'm in over my head for figuring out. I'd probably buy it and be to afraid to go out and play.
I heard that the factions in 40k are roughly based on those from Fantasy to make anyone transitioning from one to another easier? Is this actually true? Not that I'm familiar with Fantasy, but I feel that if this is a thing, that's pretty cool for a gaming company to do.
One of my hobbies is painting miniatures, and I have, somewhere around 300 miniatures. I've only painted a few of them, but due to space constraints in my apartment, I've given it up until I get more space. There are several of the larger 40k and Fantasy vehicles robots and monsters I want to get to paint, and just place on my shelf. One of the products I love from Games Workshop are the base plates that they have for both 40k and fantasy. I use them with other figures I work on. The amount of bases you get for the price is well worth it. I wish I could find non-magnetic hex bases as inexpensive as GW's bases, but I can only find magnetic ones or the ones Ironwind makes for Battletech.