Hi, i had and still have a tiny bit of that still but now in a different way as my son now 10, i used to be in similiar situation with what you wrote. Personally, i removed from the room (baby, animal anything that was living) and just calmly spoke to my rampaging child (its very hard to do but it works) personally i found distraction worked best as your first move, so that it calms the child so that the child can interact with you, after you done that, you sit and calmly say what should of happened "i.e he says the baby was crying i was trying to shut it up" You say yes babies can be very loud but you should come into the other room with me" and mummy will deal with that. Or some other simple explaination but always put why you asking that, and keep to it as if its a routine. i.e stroking an animal from head to toe, because if you do it hard, or from tail to head it upsets them & makes them angry, and show him how to do it. Your hand over his etc. My only point to all aggression from a child is keep calm and lower your voice, and if possible remove all living objects or the other way around, aslong as you explain and keep doing that, it will improve. Hope that helps