Thanks for the replies!
1401b wrote:
kt69 wrote:
Is this common for people on the spectrum?
Oh hell yes, probably
the most common symptom.
Confuses and scares the hell outta NTs.
Try pretending to yourself that you're flamboyantly gay or gregariously blonde while chatting with people.
This helps me a lot and it turns out to not just minimizing my anxiety but really makes social interaction fantastically fun! Seriously. And I'm a pretty butch guy.
Although I keep forgetting to do this for months at a time. =(
Think of
Pinky Pie from MLP:FiM or
Weird Gay Al from South Park, I sing parts of his song (I'm Super! Thanks for asking!) Really gets me in the mood, men never really think I'm gay (maybe for other reasons) enough to dislike me, and women are much less subtle many openly asking me if I'm gay.
I just answer them candidly, "No," (because that's what they want to hear from me) and I still remain in the -Man: Datable; -Sex Option: Yes -lists.
Lol!! I'll try that next time!!
Charliex8 wrote:
I am not diagnosed with aspergers but for me i have a constant grin on my face! I hate it because social situations are by no means a good thing for me, so why do i smile. I have no idea why i do it. Smiling would mean i am happy about talking to this person, but i am actually saying in my head "Get away from me!" I also do a little giggle before i speak. Must make people think they have something on their face!
This happens to me too when my anxiety gets really severe. It's because my face just completely tenses up.
Well, at least it's better than not having any expression at all. People think there is something very wrong with you if you don't smile at all, like me.
Tawaki wrote:
My husband does this, especially in social situations where there is small talk. The more anxious he gets, the more his social skills goes out the window.
He is is fine if the topic is about a specific thing. Politics, science related....but the minute it turns personal, he's doomed. Jay hates talking about himself, and has zero interest in the other people. (Why should I care how their day is going? Who cares if they like Miley. ) Whatever facial expression he had gets dropped, and his voice goes monotone.
He hasn't done well in interviews because of it.
So, this is a common thing.
Oh I hate small talk!! It's useless and I cant do it at all! I can only talk about specific subjects, just like him. When someone tries to make small talk with me, my mind just goes blank, and I have no clue of what to say.