I have a diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome but when I've met others with AS, they are a lot higher functioning than I am.
I will list my symptoms. Is this classic autism or AS?
- daily meltdowns involving self harm
- quite severe sensory issues
- I need a full-time support worker at university
- I live in supported housing and still need it
- I find conversation extremely confusing
- I go through phases of being non-verbal
- I isolate myself as much as possible
- I struggle to understand what to say when people talk to me
- I never make eye contact
- I have severe flat affect
- in social occasions I will be hiding in the toilets with headphones on and stimming
- I stim almost constantly
- sometimes, or perhaps a bit often, my speech comes out confused and jumbled
- I react violently in response to any physical contact
- I am absolutely clueless on social customs
- I get obsessive very easily
- I have been arrested under the Mental Health Act for what I've done in meltdowns in public
- I get partial seizures when extremely stressed
- I have severe anxiety
- I have never had sex before and have zero interest in sex, love, relationships and starring a family
- I cannot manage my affairs alone
- I need help with things most people would find easy (paperwork, cooking simple meals etc)
- people have said I am very eccentric
- I talk formally all the time
- I have very few friends and don't like socialising
- I could spend weeks in solitary confinement easily, just so long as I have my textbooks and music
However I have an IQ of 160 (assessed by an educational psychologist) and I have a really good academic record.
I was expelled twice and suspended twice from schools for violent behaviour during meltdowns.
When I was assessed and given the diagnosis of Asperger's, my mum purposefully lied to the psychologist to make me look less severe as my mum is ashamed of me being disabled. Had she told the truth, it may have been classic autism. I was developmentally delayed (toilet training was delayed, didn't make emotional contact with my parents, motor skills delayed). I'm dyspraxic too. However my speech was developed normally but I taught myself to read at age 2. And when I learned how to speak, I didn't do it much, I preferred to read. Also my way of socialising when I was a kid was to scream and push people.
Your opinions please?
I am a partially verbal classic autistic. I am a pharmacology student with full time support.
Last edited by SteelMaiden on 30 Mar 2014, 3:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.