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18 Feb 2007, 7:42 pm

There are a lot of posts on WP that say "no one likes me." I think it is time to push the envelope and go beyond the mundane. Therefore, right now, I am launching a NEW KIND OF POST.

This is the "no one likes YOU" post.



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18 Feb 2007, 7:51 pm

Cruel,but funny.


Live and let live.


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18 Feb 2007, 8:16 pm

Man, if I had a nickel for every time I've heard that.


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18 Feb 2007, 8:57 pm

Stupid Gainesvillians, always making trouble.

Hey, lowfreq50, no one likes YOU.

Still looking for my antidiluvian baby

Blue Jay
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18 Feb 2007, 9:30 pm

iF WE aspies were to meet each other we ALL would not like each other...still can't connect and have empathy remember! ha! life is cruel.


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18 Feb 2007, 10:05 pm

Heh. Empathy has never been one of my strong points. And that was always something I was worried about when I worked in the call-centre industry: displaying empathy to a customer (when appropriate) was regarded by the people higher up as An Important Thing. But over time I learned to recognize when it was needed and respond appropriately (faking it so that I *sounded* empathetic)...

The joke around the call centre about that was that we should avoid inappropriate expressions of empathy. For example:
Customer: "I would like to pay my bill."
Call Centre Agent: "I am so sorry to hear that."


"Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps." -- Emo Philips


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18 Feb 2007, 10:12 pm

Xenon wrote:
Heh. Empathy has never been one of my strong points. And that was always something I was worried about when I worked in the call-centre industry: displaying empathy to a customer (when appropriate) was regarded by the people higher up as An Important Thing. But over time I learned to recognize when it was needed and respond appropriately (faking it so that I *sounded* empathetic)...

The joke around the call centre about that was that we should avoid inappropriate expressions of empathy. For example:
Customer: "I would like to pay my bill."
Call Centre Agent: "I am so sorry to hear that."


I hate jobs that require customer-service like that. When I worked a counter at Domino's, my manager got complaints quite a bit, because after a while when things pick up, I had a tendency to revert back to my normal, mono-tonal, non-apologetic, straight-business-like behavior. I hate the fact that people need to feel that the person they are speaking to on the phone needs to be enthusiastic, always quite an annoying hurdle for me.


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18 Feb 2007, 10:18 pm

[parody mode online]

All this aminosity has gone to your head,
Piss somebody off and you'll sure end up dead,
There's nothing you can say and nothing to do,
You'll never get away; everybody hates you!

[parody mode offline: continue thread conversation]

"Yeah, so this one time, I tried playing poker with tarot cards... got a full house, and about four people died." ~ Unknown comedian

Happy New Year from WP's resident fortune-teller! May the cards be ever in your favor.


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18 Feb 2007, 10:37 pm

SagaciousKJB wrote:
I hate jobs that require customer-service like that. When I worked a counter at Domino's, my manager got complaints quite a bit, because after a while when things pick up, I had a tendency to revert back to my normal, mono-tonal, non-apologetic, straight-business-like behavior. I hate the fact that people need to feel that the person they are speaking to on the phone needs to be enthusiastic, always quite an annoying hurdle for me.

On the phones, I have a demeanour that comes across as both friendly and professional. In fact, I was rated highly on that. But my strength was explaining things to a customer when they needed a complicated issue explained to them. (I use that same strength now in the correspondence department, though now I explain things in writing... which is great because I communicate better in writing than speaking.)

I learned to recognize the circumstances in which a sincere-sounding expression of sympathy or empathy is appropriate. I am reminded of some comedian who said that the key to a relationship is honesty: "If you can fake that, you're in!" :lol:

My biggest problem was when I had a female customer start crying... I would get totally flustered and would have no idea how to respond or what to do next. I was once asked how I reacted when I had a male customer start crying... I've never, ever had a male customer cry. Yell and scream at me, sure. But not cry. (And my biggest problem when I had a customer yelling and screaming at me was trying not to laugh.)

I'm just glad I no longer work in the call centre... (I work for the gas company, and used its call centre as a way of getting my foot in the door, intending on moving elsewhere within the company at some point. It worked. It took two years, but it worked.)

"Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps." -- Emo Philips


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19 Feb 2007, 1:02 am

no1 likes me? :o
i never though about it, but now that you told me, i guess it is true! :o

lol jj :D


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19 Feb 2007, 1:11 am

I have a personality type that a lot people can not stand but at the same time a lot of people enjoy to. In my experience those that dislike me tend to not be very pleasant

I would say the being alone part of my life is 99% because I do not(can not) maintain
relationships. I've had an old friend offer to help pay for my last year of college but I merely lost contact with him. In 10 years I have had only a few e-mails to him.

Sea Gull
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19 Feb 2007, 2:11 am

I have it then for more. When no until friends more, they say got few.


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19 Feb 2007, 2:44 am

Nobody likes me, eh? Well, at least I don't have to share my ice cream.

Ceterum autem censeo, Carthaginem esse delendam

The following statement is True, the preceding statement was False.

I'm A PINEY from my head down to my HINEY.


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19 Feb 2007, 2:52 am

funny T-rav.

I want peace for all. Simple yet elegant.


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19 Feb 2007, 3:12 am

Who ME? you talkin' to ME? eh. that's ok. i seem to have accumulated plenty of friends online that feel that way. go figure.

why post such a thread? are you saying that you're not my REAL friend?

:cry: :? :roll:

Sea Gull
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19 Feb 2007, 5:05 am

Xenon wrote:
Heh. Empathy has never been one of my strong points. And that was always something I was worried about when I worked in the call-centre industry: displaying empathy to a customer (when appropriate) was regarded by the people higher up as An Important Thing. But over time I learned to recognize when it was needed and respond appropriately (faking it so that I *sounded* empathetic)...

The joke around the call centre about that was that we should avoid inappropriate expressions of empathy. For example:
Customer: "I would like to pay my bill."
Call Centre Agent: "I am so sorry to hear that."



...I work in Marks & Spencers, where they worship that b***h Mary Gober (with her quotes typed-up on notices on every second door within staff quarters).

"Training and Development

Customer Service Training

M&S staff are trained in customer service techniques using a customised programme based around the Mary Gober MethodTM. This is known internally as 'Your M&S - Our Service Style - The Mary Gober MethodTM'.

'Our Service Style' is defined as follows "We are friendly, helpful, courteous people, who are knowledgable and enthusiastic about taking care of our customers".

This definition is derived from principles originally identified by the business in the 1950's as being key to good customer service.

Our Service Style training was originally delivered in large seminars hosted by Mary Gober, which all staff attended. Its delivery to staff continues through in store coaching and training programmes.

Staff members who have been trained in Our Service Style can be identified by a brooch/pin of a starfish on their uniform".


The "seminars" actually imply they RELIGIOUSLY worship this woman. Can you believe they bus people to Glasgow (quite a journey) in their droves to this crap?

Rant over...motherf***ers.

In general, I often wonder if people I consider my friends actually like me - I like to think it's more self-esteem rather than actual truth. I love that Black Sabbath song, Paranoid.