So, a few things for trying tomorrow: washing without soap, buying natural soap, buying no fragrance soap! Hope sonething helps
Onoma wrote:
It depends, do you use harsh soap or soap with any oils in you could potentially be sensitive too?
I'm sensitive to SLS (sodium laureth sulfate) which is in almost all soap and hair products. If you are sensitive then it is best to start avoiding it.
I avoid it already
also it terribly dries the hair
I'm in the exact same boat my main sensitivity textures I cannot stand are paper wood dusty surfaces and fabrics and if I've just taken a shower or washed my hands and I put my hand on my mouse pad or having to write something down(I also have dysgraphia caused by my aspergers so generally I get a friend to do my writing for me or endure) I pretty much lose my mind and can't pay attention to anything something I do is I'll rub my hands in my hair even after showering there is enough oil in my hair to numb the textures but sometimes it's just not enough try looking for some kind of oil based hand soap which leaves a residue or something if it's really a problem but I've never bothered
I do bother, but that is because in my case it hurts! Like, I usually get bothered by textures like paper, walls, fabric, but unless it is rubbed in my skin it doesn't hurt. When I wash my hands, they feel weird and very sensitive and I can't touch those things because it hurts! Real hurt if you know what I mean.
I obviously want to avoid this awful feeling but also for instance after I wash my hands or take a bath I have to wait to start studying (paper) or when I go playing basketball the texture of the ball feels awful. And it is nearly impossible to wake up and go to practice without washing first as I have to brush my teeth, take a bath, wash the food from my hands etc so besides the awful feeling it is really impractical.