I don't know, but have you considered a potential food allergy? Modern day wheat is especially bad for people, but even more so for a select few, causing a broad range of conditions, including IBS. I began to suffer from night sweats, insomnia, I'd wake up with my heart pounding around 150bpm, high blood pressure, acid reflux, and body aches. I happened to try going gluten free for a completely different reason, not even considering that it was inducing these symptoms, but surprisingly they all went away within a couple of months. I've now been gluten free for almost 3 years and am very happy to be over all that. Might be worth a shot for you.
We are not so different from potted plants in that, if given everything we need to be properly nourished, the outcome can be incredibly contrary to when we are not. A flower won't grow in flour, and neither can we.