I don’t really have any hobbies. I haven’t had one for years. Instead, I have interests. My 3 current interests are:
– learning more about Aspergers/autism/psychology (by visiting WP, reading books, etc.)
- learning more about software development processes
- learning about financial systems (by reading newspapers, surfing internet)
There are a couple of other activities I like to do (exercise, walking dog). But that’s about it. I do other things, of course (like yard work, dishes, laundry, etc.). But those are chores.
When I was young, I had numerous hobbies. I liked playing with electronic sets. I liked building models (though, I wasn’t very good, I was quite messy). I liked building and launching rockets. But now, nothing.
I wished I had a hobby. But, nothing really entices me.
I saw an interesting post <click> on WP entitled "The Difference between Special Interests and Normal Hobbies". The author writes:
...when I become interested in something this is the general course of action for me:
1) slow build of vague interest leading up to a sudden emotional reaction
2) emotional reaction turns into complete obsession with the subject
3) intense desire to learn/understand everything possible about it
4) wake up thinking about it, think about it during the day, trouble sleeping because I am still thinking about it
5) pursuing my interest is more like research/ I feel like I need to read about it from every angle
6) when I feel like I have learned everything I need to know, my interest in the subject fades away
7) generalized depression, apathy, and lost feeling when I have no special interest/ having a special interest means that my life is centered
It describes me quite well.
I too am curious if not having a hobby is common for people on the spectrum.