I was raised as a Catholic and I found praying very helpful. I used to go to church every Sunday until I was a teenager or was hitting puberty. As you can see, I ended up being unaffiliated unexpectedly when I was in the middle of high school, even though I was attending a Catholic school. By the time I finished school I walked away from the Catholic Church and stripped my identity as a Catholic. Don't get me wrong. I'm not an atheist. I believe in God, yet I was immersed into a secular society, like people my age I think.
I noted that Canada, Europe, some parts of the US, Asia and Oceania are much less religious than other places. Maybe because people think science is the true part of life and felt religion presents a false history of life and therefore not compatible.
Later on I became skeptical and distrustful of the religious institutions after reading an article criticizing them for their supposed wrong doings, from being homophobic to condoning abuse and war to being judgemental. I also heard the same thing when I was at Griffin Centre. Now that I'm not as religious as I was in the past. I shouldn't have been surprised, but I read about people attacking viciously the Catholic Church for their sexist, backward ways and being negative about sexuality. I also read some articles about people leaving the religion they grew up with behind, feeling that it's too judgemental, too hypocritical, too pessimistic. I went back to church, despite my doubts about it. Although it's good that churches give charity, I don't think I have to worry about not being religious, as long as can give charity, no matter what.