Yeah, pretty much. I like the idea of doing things socially more than I actually enjoy doing them. The more people are involved, the worse it is. The last times I did things with friends, I felt trapped because I had to just go along with what they were doing. I like being able to leave a place or change plans suddenly if I start feeling tired or aggravated.
And I get tired of having to pay attention to what is going on and what people are saying. It's mentally exhausting. At some point I just want to withdraw into my own mind, or physically get away by myself.
I like having a close friend or two, maybe 3 at the most, and to me the friendship is just between us. I think of it like a closed circle and I want it to be private and secure. But I find that most people approach friendship like they are just looking to expand their social circle, so they can have more and more friends. And maybe they bring other people into my circle that I don't want to be friends with. I don't like it when I get entangled with people that way. It brings too much drama in my life. It's also problematic to find a partner for the same reasons, because they usually have connections with people I don't want in my life.
I hate getting involved with people who gossip about each other, or fight or have any other kind of drama amongst themselves, which basically rules out most of the human race. Worst of all is when a group of friends have all had romantic relationships with each other, Dawson Creek style.
Social contact in general has too many strings attached, there is always something else that comes with it that I never expected.