It's fascinating stuff actually. Most of time it was hard reading about it, on one hand, it was relieving to have some understanding of it, you could obsess about something to the point of panic, and then read about it over and over to sooth yourself. But if you weren't obsessing but happened to read about it, it could trigger a panic......
without saying anything specific, I've understood it as, I think I am something, I have something, or will become something, and it terrifies me, when in reality, it's either entirely untrue, or mostly untrue. I read books about a certain thing, and then in a rising panic, began to relate those things to me, and believed I would become that thing. It was like mental illness hypochondria with extreme panic. It started after I had been using mary jane for a while, and began using it with ecstasy. That was the straw that broke the camels back and got me into therapy.
?Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.?