More dream interpretation:
I'm tired of the pattern of either antagonism or indifference toward me. In that dream, I wanted it to be that when I showed my pain and suffering to the surgeon, that I would have gotten the surgery, too, but instead all I got was antagonism and indifference. Outside of my mental health professionals, it would appear that no one considers me worthy of surgery, but only of a life of pain and suffering, because I cannot put on that faux happy face, because I cannot go all out and be some magical wonderful person despite my tremendous need that would make charities like the Jim Collins Foundation or people in my community trip over themselves to donate funds toward my surgery.
I hate this American transgender rite of passage of saving up for surgery, because I could never pass such a rite, so I want to crush it under my heel once and for all. (I am tired of others always trying to subject me to it.) If only I had the power to crush that rite of passage under my heel,...
"You have a responsibility to consider all sides of a problem and a responsibility to make a judgment and a responsibility to care for all involved." --Ian Danskin