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28 May 2014, 10:40 pm

I've been ashamed of the fact that I'm bisexual. Only a couple people I know in real life know about it, but I'm afraid to tell anyone else. I've heard that people are very judgemental towards bisexuals, which makes me feel even worse. How do I deal with these feelings? Do other people need to know my sexual orientation? What should I do if I ever have to deal with people who are prejudice against me because of my sexual orientation?


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28 May 2014, 10:51 pm

I never understood the beef about bisexuals. At least you can still date the opposite gender and still be sexually attracted to them. I used to think I was bi and the only reason why I think I am straight is because I cannot imagine making out with another woman and having sex with her. It just feels unattractive and I prefer men and women having it. Homo sex is just a turn off for me even though I don't even want to know details about straight people having it. IMO people don't need to know your sexual orientation.

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Pileated woodpecker
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06 Jun 2014, 6:41 pm

I just wanted to say that I feel that same way. I come from a catholic home and my parents are like religious freaks. It's been hard because I've been pretending to be straight my whole life. I've found I like what girls look like versus men I cannot stand to look at men but there's some men that I like but I do not like the way a man's body looks it's disgusting. Till today I've still being hiding that I am Bi to my parents because coming out is super hard because they think it is some kind of sin. So I understand where you are coming from. Btw you can message me anytime goofygoobers. :D



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08 Jun 2014, 7:57 pm

If you identify as bi-sexual, you shouldn't be ashamed, but segments of the gay community sure as hell make it feel as though you should.

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09 Jun 2014, 4:21 am

Concept wrote:
If you identify as bi-sexual, you shouldn't be ashamed, but segments of the gay community sure as hell make it feel as though you should.

Sad but true. My theory is that it's because the gay identity is based on same-sex attraction vs the straight world's prejudice, a kind of 'us vs them' mentality, and bisexuality blurs that distinction. People prefer clear lines, don't they? Like in a cartoon rainbow rather than a real one.

Pileated woodpecker
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08 Jul 2014, 9:49 am

That is so true, I guess some straight people will always be just closed minded and I have to accept that.

Tufted Titmouse
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23 Aug 2014, 8:40 pm

The problem is that in order to make sense of things, humans have a both useful and awful habit of categorizing things. This also applies to sexuality. For example, there's a show that I watch and a character made a comment about how societal biases codify attraction.

Well, she was right. When she was saying this, she was likely speaking of how people often expect that everyone is heterosexual until they say or do things suggesting otherwise. However, this also happens within the LGBT community when some individuals seem to have the belief that you can only be either straight or gay/lesbian.

In my experience (granted I can only speak of women in this case), it seems that some lesbian women are t prejudice toward bisexual women, not because they actually have a problem with bisexuality itself, but because they are insecure in their ability to keep the bisexual woman satisfied. Whether this satisfaction is of an emotional or physical nature, their major concern is that the bi woman will inevitably leave them for a man at some point.

Heterosexuals seem simply confused by bisexuality. Some have a difficult enough time understanding how someone can be attracted to their own sex, let alone both sexes. In regards to these type of people-actually in both cases- it is simply a matter ignorance. People are just not informed and don't have the initiative or drive to seek out the answers they need in order to understand.

So, the next time someone makes you feel guilty for being bisexual, just keep in mind that the real issue is their own self confidence/a lack of information. It has nothing to do with you and who you are as a person.

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26 Aug 2014, 3:02 pm

Reigh wrote:
The problem is that in order to make sense of things, humans have a both useful and awful habit of categorizing things. This also applies to sexuality. For example, there's a show that I watch and a character made a comment about how societal biases codify attraction.

Well, she was right. When she was saying this, she was likely speaking of how people often expect that everyone is heterosexual until they say or do things suggesting otherwise. However, this also happens within the LGBT community when some individuals seem to have the belief that you can only be either straight or gay/lesbian.

In my experience (granted I can only speak of women in this case), it seems that some lesbian women are t prejudice toward bisexual women, not because they actually have a problem with bisexuality itself, but because they are insecure in their ability to keep the bisexual woman satisfied. Whether this satisfaction is of an emotional or physical nature, their major concern is that the bi woman will inevitably leave them for a man at some point.

Heterosexuals seem simply confused by bisexuality. Some have a difficult enough time understanding how someone can be attracted to their own sex, let alone both sexes. In regards to these type of people-actually in both cases- it is simply a matter ignorance. People are just not informed and don't have the initiative or drive to seek out the answers they need in order to understand.

So, the next time someone makes you feel guilty for being bisexual, just keep in mind that the real issue is their own self confidence/a lack of information. It has nothing to do with you and who you are as a person.

That was a fantastic reply. Really top tier.

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26 Aug 2014, 4:17 pm

aspiebeauty87 wrote:
That is so true, I guess some people will always be just closed minded and I have to accept that.

^fixed that for you. :lol:

it's not just straight people who can be closed-minded--unfortunately closed-mindedness is a trait that's pretty uniformly spread through the human population.

Tufted Titmouse
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27 Aug 2014, 12:30 am

jayroo79 wrote:
Reigh wrote:
The problem is that in order to make sense of things, humans have a both useful and awful habit of categorizing things. This also applies to sexuality. For example, there's a show that I watch and a character made a comment about how societal biases codify attraction.

Well, she was right. When she was saying this, she was likely speaking of how people often expect that everyone is heterosexual until they say or do things suggesting otherwise. However, this also happens within the LGBT community when some individuals seem to have the belief that you can only be either straight or gay/lesbian.

In my experience (granted I can only speak of women in this case), it seems that some lesbian women are t prejudice toward bisexual women, not because they actually have a problem with bisexuality itself, but because they are insecure in their ability to keep the bisexual woman satisfied. Whether this satisfaction is of an emotional or physical nature, their major concern is that the bi woman will inevitably leave them for a man at some point.

Heterosexuals seem simply confused by bisexuality. Some have a difficult enough time understanding how someone can be attracted to their own sex, let alone both sexes. In regards to these type of people-actually in both cases- it is simply a matter ignorance. People are just not informed and don't have the initiative or drive to seek out the answers they need in order to understand.

So, the next time someone makes you feel guilty for being bisexual, just keep in mind that the real issue is their own self confidence/a lack of information. It has nothing to do with you and who you are as a person.

That was a fantastic reply. Really top tier.

Thanks jayroo79, I will admit that I've been running an advice/support blog of sorts for people dealing with various things, so I have had a lot of practice answering these type of questions :)

Tufted Titmouse
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31 Aug 2014, 4:17 am

I'm a gay dude fully in support of bi rights.

My thing against bisexuals is they seem to be a tad more picky. Which there's nothing wrong with but makes me less want to try in the future. I've had 3 guys change their online profile to say they were straight from bisexual while I was talking with them. And I wasn't making any sexual passes just mild chit chat... I'm not gonna take it personally but it was a bit of an ego hit.

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15 Oct 2014, 3:57 am

I am proud to be Bisexual, but it's not easy. I would rather be Gay or Straight.

But we are who we are

Emu Egg
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25 Oct 2014, 5:45 pm

I'm Bi, but I get more messages from men than I do women on okcupid.

Emu Egg
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25 Oct 2014, 5:46 pm

I'm Bi, but I get more messages from men than I do women on okcupid.


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08 Dec 2014, 4:00 pm

Mizzyg2be wrote:
I'm Bi, but I get more messages from men than I do women on okcupid.

Possibly that's a reflection of the relative number of men and women there.

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10 Dec 2014, 7:59 am

Both of my boyfriends were bisexual, so you wont get hate from me.

Yes, I am transgendered! How'd you know?