I'm really sick of attacks against NT's here

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29 May 2014, 6:38 am

I think some of the people who post here are really delusional when it comes to the way they think about NT people. It's like some kind of science fiction thing between Vulcans and Humans or Elves and Humans or whatever superior beings vs humans. That's fantasy and not reality.

I spent most of my life in schools with asd kids and they really aren't any better than the NT kids i've been around in mainstream school i've been in since school started last year. I think most of the anti-NT people here never grew up surrounded with ASD kids like I have, so they have a very distorted view of reality.

ASD kids were just as rude and mean as anyone else. Higher functioning kids treated the lower functioning kids like crap. And not because the HFA kids were closer to being NT, but because that's how human beings act. A lot of what people are seeing as NT behavior is human behavior that both NT and ASD people have. Please stop deluing yourselves that NT people are worse and ASD people are better, because that's bullsh*t.

The worst enemies I've had in life, the people who have treated me the worst, have all been autistic. Even on the basically NT forums the only person who has really treated me like sh*t claims to be an aspie.

So please stop blaming everything unpleasant about people on "neurotypicalism" because that's as fictitious as the word i just made up.

Last edited by EzraS on 29 May 2014, 6:47 am, edited 1 time in total.


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29 May 2014, 6:46 am

You are right with this Ezra. Of course I can't attest to typical Spectrum behavior in school because the first Spectrumites I have ever met have pretty much been here on WP. I had met a couple before but one was a little kid and the other was a college student that I spent a couple of hours skiing with. But it is ridiculous to have an us vs. them thing. It's really wrong. NT's are just as diverse and unique as we are and just like we love to say if you've met one Aspie you have met one Aspie, it goes the same for NT's. It is not fair at all to lump people into groups like that just because we have been hurt by some of them. People would consider it an outrage if we lumped all black people or all Asian people into categories and made it a racial us against them thing. This really is not that different. Our experiences and ways of perceiving things can be different from NT's and we can talk about differences in neurology and thought patterns and stuff like that but we can't put value judgements on these things. And having different neurology does not make one group better or more worthy than another.

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29 May 2014, 7:07 am

Thanks for posting this.

I wonder what your motivation behind doing so is though. Is it because you have really close NT friends or does it actually piss you off reading those posts?

I don't question your intentions, because almost the exact same words, I have wanted to type multiple times.

Unapologetically, Norny. :rambo:
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29 May 2014, 7:08 am

I don't want to speak for you Ezra and I could be wrong but it seems like a response spinoff thread to something that was mentioned in another thread just recently.

"I'm bad and that's good. I'll never be good and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be than me."

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29 May 2014, 7:10 am

Well said Ezra.

I've left WP indefinitely.


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29 May 2014, 7:20 am

When I get the motivation for it, I want to make a thread centered around NT myths. Many on this board are familiar with myths concerning autism and will happily agree with positive things, though it is the opposite when they discuss NTs.

There seems to be a general consensus that NTs lack brains, that they are social creatures that lack intellectual ability. NTs apparently can't think for themselves, are all selfish, and waste their time socializing. In reality, NTs are just as intelligent as AS counterparts, and are in no way more selfish. NTs are not part of some mindless hivemind either. Socializing may be seen as a waste of time for some autistics, though it can produce the greatest feelings in the world for NTs.

Unapologetically, Norny. :rambo:
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29 May 2014, 7:26 am

Generalizations always have exceptions. I get tired of attacks. Anyone against anyone. Recently there has been a return of the not autistic enough to be called ASD theme. And there's been some anti-female stuff too. I didn't see whatever might be posted attacking NTs recently, but yes, there are people who seem to need to attack other people.

There are also people who look for what to do to help other people.

I think I get sick of fighting, sick of hatred.

Totally transcends the mild differences between neurotypical and not for me. Not for everyone.

I read a moderator post today blasting someone for attacking and realized what a relief it was to not have to contain the negativity within my head.

So I turn off the news and leave the posts that are too attacking. Other people maybe are up for the debate. I'm usually not.

People are people, treat others with with dignity, or maybe I should say allow them this, they may mess with you anyway, but the only one you really can't shut out at night is yourself.

I am sick of attacks period. But not totally helpless about it.

And I try generally to stay away from Love and Dating as that gets really bad. And it is hard, but one can click on a box to get no more notifications if a thread gets too negative. But if one waits, people often will ignore the person attacking and turn the thread around. Kind of a neat thing to watch and learn from.

Remember there was one thread Ezra where it got negative and people started posting cat pictures and turned the thread around? No locking needed. That was great to see. Because IRL the attacks aren't about this, but they happen and sometimes I learn a lot here by how people handle this stuff.


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29 May 2014, 7:29 am

Prejudice against disabled people does exist. I've been a victim of it.

but... NTs aren't the only ones who can be prejudiced that way. Like you said--you saw the high-functioning kids treating the low-functioning kids like crap. That's just one example. "Yes, I'm autistic, but I'm not like THEM." Prejudice can also get turned back against oneself, in the form of low self-esteem, self-hate, and a desire to somehow make up for being "defective" by being more skilled and capable than everybody else.

I never said autistics can't be nasty to each other--of course we can. One of the worst effects of prejudice is that it turns the stigmatized group against each other.

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29 May 2014, 7:37 am

Norny wrote:
Thanks for posting this.

I wonder what your motivation behind doing so is though. Is it because you have really close NT friends or does it actually piss you off reading those posts?

I don't question your intentions, because almost the exact same words, I have wanted to type multiple times.

i don't have any really close NT friends. all my friends i've had growing up with one exception have all been autistic. I'm just actually annoyed with the this bad behavior whatever it is, is supposedly NT's only not us and therefore NT's suck. I understand how some ASD people can think only NT people can be jerks, because that's all they've mostly been around. But having lived in both an asd world and nt world now, i know that the inhabitants of both can either be wonderful and beautiful or awful and ugly. those people who dream of living in an all asd inhabitants utopia would soon find out that utopia doesn't really exist.


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29 May 2014, 7:59 am

Callista wrote:
Prejudice against disabled people does exist. I've been a victim of it.

but... NTs aren't the only ones who can be prejudiced that way. Like you said--you saw the high-functioning kids treating the low-functioning kids like crap. That's just one example. "Yes, I'm autistic, but I'm not like THEM." Prejudice can also get turned back against oneself, in the form of low self-esteem, self-hate, and a desire to somehow make up for being "defective" by being more skilled and capable than everybody else.

well one thing i don't want to confuse anyone on is that all the hfa kids treated all the lfa kids badly. lfa kids treated each other badly also. i'm not entirely sure where everyone was on the spectrum because that's not something we were told about. just that the way people acted and treated each other was not really any different. I can tell you 20 autistic kids who were nice to be around and 20 autistic kids who were not so nice to be around.

When I was 12 there was one kid who had a funny shaped head and another kid who was kinda his friend but tougher, used to make fun of him and i would laugh at what he came up with. then one day that kid who was made fun of cornered me in a school bathroom and started hitting and kicking me and saying "fight back, why don't you fight back you little p****?" He was bigger and more coordinated then me and I was helpless against him but he was basically as autistic as me. I got plenty more horror stories of going to an all autistic school. Prejudice and hatred and cruelty just exist period.

Callista wrote:
I never said autistics can't be nasty to each other--of course we can. One of the worst effects of prejudice is that it turns the stigmatized group against each other.

i never said you did. i don't really know you or remember anything you posted.

Last edited by EzraS on 29 May 2014, 8:18 am, edited 1 time in total.


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29 May 2014, 8:04 am

That was Super Duper, Ezra---you're a smart, sensible lad.


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29 May 2014, 8:07 am

Some people need to get it into their heads that it's not the neurology that defines you, but who you are as a person and what choices you make. The rest of it is bollocks. There're awful aspies, aspies with horrible personalities and whatnot, even though I met the most awesome people among them. But that's the whole point, we aren't inherently better or worse as people than NTs.

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29 May 2014, 9:11 am

I agree, I do see posts suggesting that NTs are this way or that, its more the generalisation that annoys me, I think that everyone should use the same statement saying "if you have met one person with autism you have met one person with autism" and apply that to NTs as well, it has to work both ways


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29 May 2014, 10:12 am

Exactly. NTs are very diverse people. They're individuals. If you don't know one, you can't make any predictions about them; you have to get to know them.

People who have been hurt by NTs make two basic logical errors: They assume that other NTs are like the NTs who hurt them, and they assume that autistic people do not also behave that way.

In fact, we are just as capable of being abusive, bullying, harassing each other, as NTs are. But on the other hand, just like we are capable of being kind, compassionate, and loving, so are NTs. That's part of being human. Don't give up on your faith in humanity--but remember that nobody's perfect, and that some people have decided, little by little, to become hateful enough that it's best to simply avoid them. Giving people the benefit of the doubt doesn't need to mean giving them the chance to hurt you once you know they are capable of it.

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29 May 2014, 10:18 am

I agree, and I have learned this first hand from the autism support group/social skills class I'm in. However, I haven't seen too much NT bashing here myself. Maybe it's just the boards I tend to visit and the topics I pick. I did see one yesterday that said something like the NTs didn't understand, but I read it to mean the NTs they talked to about it and not all NTs.


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29 May 2014, 10:31 am

I agree. I don't understand the tendency to make such generalisations, and think more along the lines of what one of the posters above said, that it's better not to define people by their neurology in this way, because everyone is individual.

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