quetzalcoatl wrote:
Hello FahnDe,
I know a little of confucianism but I have to admit I've studied more of the Tao De Ching and Taoism which more derives from the idea that you are simply a piece in the puzzle and should merely endeavour to be true to yourself. Thats what I love about autistic people they level of expertise in various esoteric knowledge.
Thank you quetzajocati, I must say... I feel like a real amateur when it comes to this subject, the funny thing is is that my idea of Confucianism only comes from a very vague interpretation of the core books. Instead I have turned to the actual application and other indirect interpretations of it, for instance, Korean Juche writings, most of my perspective on these things comes from how it has been implemented in modern day and how it has influenced some kind of root of east asian thought... For instance my teacher brought up the fact that Confucianism had influenced the cultural revolution, even though it had been a movement that was for breaking away from old Chinese ideas, their idea of art serving a purpose (the people) in socialist society, the people=the state, so in essence art exists to serve the state it's a lot more complex than that though... It is really nice when you can see two things that connect with each other even if it is in a really loose sense. I think I will look more in depth to ancient china to to understand this better, right now I only know about the modern world, but classical chinese will be fun to study, I also want to go deeper and further than the Qing dynasty, which is about as far as I've gotten. They have a great museum near my house that has some Ming Dynasty furniture and wall decorations... It's really interesting to view, it's a reproduction of a Qing public building that uses some original pieces and some are reconstructions. Anyway thank you for your support... Even so I do feel like I'm a little bit lacking and I know so little about this stuff, a lot of my thoughts are speculations and they don't make as much sense when I explain them to other people as they do when I think of them to myself. but talking with you about this helps me gather them more properly... so thank you... i try to practice modesty, but when I do talk about this stuff, even if it seems I am showing off I am doing it also so that I can help organize my ideas more properly, it benefits me greatly, so thank you.
the revolutionaries will be forever young