I'm Newsy. My username is outdated because it refers to a career I don't even have anymore, but it's just sort of stuck with me.
I've just (literally - just yesterday) gotten the official diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, what the old DSM would have called PDD-NOS and what might be called high-functioning autism. I've long suspected I was on the autism spectrum, and I'm proud to officially be there. I think autism has given me as many good things as it has challenges, and I hope having the diagnosis will let me get the help I need to adapt to the challenges and to how my own brain works.
One of my biggest interests is theatre, and I sing and act (and try really hard to dance, and usually succeed in not falling on my butt!) in local community theatre productions where I live. I guess that means I'll be hanging out in the arts and music forum a bit
ETA: Ohmygoodness, my rank is "Emu Egg!" How cute - I love Aussie wildlife!