my weird superheroes
Even before The Mystery Men was written, some of my friends and I came up with some odd superheroes to put into a comic book. The comic never happened, mainly becuase none of us were any good at it, but our superheroes were based on people with the lesser known or desirable traits of some animals with odd habits. It was a bonus if there were generally good traits for which the animal was better known and even used in other comics.
For instance, my main character was "Chameleon Man"; in addition to being able to blend into his surroundings, he also could make his eyes look in 2 directions at once, had a tongue 3 times the length of his body, and like most lizards, had 2 penises. (truly he was a real ladie's man). Other animals we considered were the preying mantis (the female bites the head off the male during sex), the mocking bird (the mother lays her eggs in another bird's nest, where they hatch and are raised.
Our bad guy was The Brown Recluse, and his sidekick was The Nervous Tick.
Have any of you ever come up with something similar or wish to follow this train of thought to its artistic end?
I was always told that there is safety in numbers, so I majored in math.
" on Millie" - Ace Rimmer
This is a superhero I made up
She is Masquerade, and is based off a dream I had where I was a superhero. I was being chased by some bad guys and I didn't have a mask so I went into a shop and picked up a masquerade ball mask and donned it.
Currently Reading: Survival by Juliet E. Czerneda
Vote Kalister 2008
I see someone's been playing with Hero Machine. Nice job.
I've created a few weird superheroes, such as Yellow Streak (a super-speedster like the Flash, but a total coward)...
But I was even better at creating super-villains for a superhero RPG game that I ran several years ago. My favourite creation was a team of super-villains whose names were based on mixed drinks:
- Harvey Wallbanger (a brick -- super strength and toughness)
- Black Russian (speedster with a black opaque force-field around him)
- Mai Tai (martial artist)
- Singapore Sling (Mai Tai's girlfriend, wielded a sling with different kinds of bullets)
- Screwdriver (the team gadgeteer)
- Tequila Sunrise (flame powers)
- Grasshopper (powered armor with a grasshopper motif)
It also turned out that there behind-the-scenes leader (who had hired them as mercenaries) called himself "Manhattan", and Manhattan's accountant was called Tom Collins...
The reaction of my players was that while they liked the originality of the concept, it was silly enough that they never wanted me to use them again. (So of course, I did...)
If anyone reading this is running a superhero game, feel free to use the concept.
"Some mornings it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps." -- Emo Philips
The superhero that I came up with is...
The Procrastinator
As his name suggests he procrastinates. If he is tasked with anything, he tends to put it off and instead find someting else to do just so that he won't do whatever it is that he has to do. For example if the world needs saving, he'll instead fix the leaking roof that his wife had asked him to fix weeks ago.
I play a lot of roleplaying games, and I've made a lot of characters in my day. Some of the Shadowrun ones wouldn't really take much adapting to Comic Book Super Hero form, but they weren't specifically intended as that.
Still, the was Galgeron who frankly is a character I can't do enough justice. I won't even try and instead will just give the short version of. He was an anti hero, and people just hated him. There was an element of that he was 'different' (Ork, and a magician. Yeah it's spelled differently for some bizare reason). He hated the world and himself, and this warped him and his magic. In his better moments he would fight to protect those who deserved to die. But still, he was a mass murder, and something of a serial killer. He easily could have become a revolutionary if he thought he had any chance in hell of making the world a better place. But, he knew how ugly people were.
Most of the others had very little depth, meaning the transition to comic book super heros would be really easy.
As a joke, I made a few posts on my LJ as a super villain alter ego, Lord X. No super powers, but they are not necessary due to an ability to analyze and prepare for situations (oh if only that had more basis in reality...). That, and a lot of well programmed automation. All of the opponents thus far have been disposable. (For instance, Dr. Lemon. Yeah, I didn't just make that up when I replied to Lemon on that other thread I don't feel like looking up)
I had a city of Heros Character Workatron. He was a gag too, but over time he developed a bit more character. Workatron was a Communist robot. But the thing is, he wasn't a super villain. He was dedicated to the workers. So it wasn't just beating up Neo Nazis and setting fire to bankers. (I gave him fire powers )
Affirmative Action Man never really got past the concept stage. One day I may flesh him out a bit more. He would likely have some kind of warcry like "Stop! In the name of social justice!"
I don't think you get it
I made up a legendary trio of heroes called Nebulakia:
Issel - Issel is the human female leader of Nebulakia. A totally ADHD perky goth girl armed with a machete. She's a complete badass and has the worst temper of the three. She often rushes into situations and "fear" is not a word in her vocabulary. She also loves dressing up in costumes while doing something completely bizarre and unrelated to the plot. To top it all off, she has a crush on a talking coyote and fantasizes about him and kinky things to do with Boston Baked Beans. She has a special attack where she puts the villain on a rigged gameshow.
Tacuda - He's the talking alien coyote Issel has a crush on, standing at 6 foot 7 with a nearly anorexic build to him and piercing royal purple eyes. He has various ice-based superpowers and speaks in an Australian accent. He's by far the most intelligent and reasonable of the trio but often comes off as sarcastic and grouchy. He becomes really shy when Issel flirts with him and he can hack into computers with his genius mind. He also has a special Vision Quest attack where he takes villains on a fake quest and winds up luring them into quicksand/acid/etc.
Dario - Dario is the most cheerful one. He's a young Peurto Rican boy with severely deformed hands that look ugly but grant him magical candy bars. His favorite pastime is Stereotypical Hispanic Little Boy Soccer. He's almost unstoppably happy, even giggling when he talks about getting constipated from all the chocolate he eats. His most prized posession is his Carmen Sandiego nesting dolls and Sublime CDs. His special attacks revolves around trapping enemies in an elevator with something really weird.
Some villains:
Cycloane - A wheelchair-bound emo kid with a robotic right arm and cybernetic left eye. He wears mascara on his right eye and has emo hair. He's a mad scientist and expert at cloning and mutating things. He drones on and on about his broken heart and his girl problems and emo boys he kissed who dumped him. When it all boils down to it, he's a coward who hides behind his creations.
Amimej - A big black mammy gone megalomaniac space pirate. Weilds a massive sledgehammer and plans to deliver poison syrup to Earth then raise an army of human zombies to become her crew for her pirate ship. Her name is Jemima spelled backwards.
Count Christian Marculous - An adorable blue-eyed ironically-named Jewish arctic fox cub who goes by the name of Chris. Wears a red scarf around his neck. Very rich and lives by himself in a large castle. All the townspeople love him for his generous and kind heart. However, he hides a vampiric secret. He often earns the trust of travellers, inviting them to free feasts and a room to stay. As soon as the traveller falls asleep, he sucks him/her completely dry and buries the bodies in the castle basement. Strangely, Stakes, Holy water, Crosses, Sunlight and Garlic have no effect on him. The only thing that can damage him is......the weather channel and elevator muzak!
Ned & Jed - A two-headed alien who loves wearing flamboyant clothing, especially harlequin pattern things. They love hunting alien wolves for fun and act like stereotypical rednecks.
I'm thinking up more ideas as I go along.
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro."
- Hunter S. Thompson
I've made up quite a few superhero characters. here are some of my favorites.
Swiss Army Man: Able to manipulate his bodily metals (Iron in blood, calcium in bones, etc) into armor and weapons.
Inertian: Able to slow down or speed up any moving object.
Cartoon man: Freed from the shackles of reality. able to do anything that you're average cartoon characters could do (Regenerate, conjure large mallets, etc)
The Rat: able to squeeze into any space, making him an expert spy.
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