Kiprobalhato wrote:
I liked biology, but i absolutely hated chemistry.
i agree the way these subjects are taught kind of turn me off from learning them. my biology teacher did however make learning biology a bit enjoyable and hands on, and i commend her for that.
I always loved science in schools, I think maybe because my grandpas and uncles never discouraged me from exploring anything or explaining stuff to me.
HOWEVER, I HATED Chemistry in high school. Why? The primary grade for the first half of the year was based upon a memorization test of the periodic table and element weights. Da fuq!?!? Everyone has that chart readily available, why did I have to memorize it? (btw, if I hadn't mentioned, I've got a few short circuits in my neural connectors, and, when my immune system acts up, it is very difficult to imprint/retrieve memories... of course, I didn't realize that at the time, as my doctors hadn't explained it well. It wasn't until I went to Uni and had access to medical texts in their library that I put it together and realized I wasn't stupid per se.)
I'm with KraftieKortie on applied maths, too. Geometry and trig were a walk in the park, because they're easy to visualize. I took college algebra like three times before passing.
Physics was mind-bending, but, I ended up doing better in it than I'd thought I would... wish I could've gone on to the next level with it, but, had to drop out before finishing my engineering degree.