I do not like most touching. The people "allowed" to touch me unexpectedly are my family. And usually they give a signal of sorts that lets me know they are going to touch me. And even then, I can only take so much touching at once before it gets to the point of "sensory overload."
I would rather have a firm touch than a light one. I have very fine, light hair and I can feel when I get tickled by this out-of-place hair that I can't see. So incredibly annoying. I feel bothered more by a light breeze than the cold. So, even when it is hot, I need to have some kind of cover when I am sleeping. Maybe because it feels protective?
Unexpected touches surprise me and can make me jump or tense. Also, touching for me puts us into the "we are *very* close relationally" category. So, when someone I don't know well wants to touch/hug/kiss on the cheek, I don't like that. It feels extremely fake because I am participating out of obligation. The hug is not a "real" hug. The kiss on the cheek is so barely a kiss that I wonder why we had to lean in towards each other like that. I get in and out of those situations as quickly as possible.
There was one man I knew who was extremely touchy. He would place his hand on my back and keep it there! Sometimes rub my shoulder. He didn't just do this to me. He did it to some other women as well, and would always pat guys on the back and grab their arms, etc. I am pretty sure he didn't mean to communicate anything, but that kind of touching on my back and shoulders was in the realm of "only my significant other gets to touch me like that."
I avoid shaking hands with people too. Seems so fake.
There was one time when I was a kid when my family was house hunting. We were meeting with the realtor. My sister was very outgoing, and this guy had her come sit on his lap and he gave her a big, nasty smooch on the cheek. I was horrified!! ! I decided that guy was completely freaky and untrustworthy. I wanted to grab my sister and scream at both of them. To him: What the heck are you doing? And to my sister: Why could you let that guy touch you? Why did you go sit on his lap? My sister was a cutie and my parents didn't think anything of it, but he might as well have been a child molester in my view. (And I still wonder if he was/is.)
It's like politicians kissing babies. Why? Why??? Ewww.