kaiouti wrote:
mr_bigmouth_502 wrote:
...Don't they realize that the world is a sh***y, f****-up place? How do they remain so blissfully ignorant? How do they just not care? Every person I've ever asked about this has given me some BS about how I just need to "relax" or "cheer up" or something. For f**k sakes, how do I even do those things in the first place?
they are probably experiencing a mild collective mania, which makes you happy and positive. With Aspergers as well I look at things in black and white, so if I was even a tad manic I'd be happy and if anyone asked I'd probably say something simple to like "relax" or "cheer up"....I seen things simply, life is easier even though it gets hectic I can compartmentalise the crap and push it out of my mind so it doesnt effect me...MAYBE (maybe) losing the ego helps start this process too, as I heard that bipolar and mania is a bleeding process for your emotions, you must bleed a little till your pathology is cleared.
I'm an aspie as well, though I don't have an easy time compartmentalizing things. If anything, I feel like life and the world are too big for me to comprehend, too much to process. I can't organize things unless I can comprehend and understand the scope of them. To give analogy, it's like when I clean my room; there's so much stuff scattered around, so many little things to deal with, that I have a hard time knowing where to even begin, or how I'm going to take care of all of it. Usually I'll start on it, then get hung up on some little thing a third of the way through, and just give up.