I'm a cashier, have been for a year and eight/nine months. I like how structured and routine it is - set breaks and lunch, i always know what to expect out of any given work day, etc. I learned how to socialize to a passable degree with customers by copying what other cashiers were saying to their customers, and by just asking customers their preferences for how to bag certain items as i scan them (if they havent already voiced a preference). That way i talk to them still, and have been called friendly even, but its all scripted. It works though because i'm sociable and friendly to a point yet i'm not expected to keep up a conversation and scan at the same time cause i can't talk and scan at the same time. I lose track of what i'm doing then, cause talking takes up too much of my focus.
All the noise used to bother me when i first started out. I'm sensitive to noise, hypersensitive is the word i'm looking for, so i hear everything at once there's no background noise. I can only block it out if i'm focusing fully on the customer right in front of me, but it took months for me to get to the point where i could hyperfocus on the customer enough to block out all the chaos and noise. Until then, i had lots of anxiety attacks at work. Even now, i shutdown sometimes at work. Its nothing major, in fact i dont even know that anybody's picked up on it for what it is. I just get overwhelmed and literally cant talk to customers any more. I dont greet them, tell them their total, nothing, i just go through the motions. I just cant take any more at that point so i just stop talking. It used to happen more but now it only happens if its near the end of my shift or if i've had an angry customer that rattled me a bit or something like that. My aspie-ness is a lot more obvious if i'm really tired or hungry or otherwise not on top of my game. I can hide it a lot better otherwise.