I took anti depressants from the age of 7 until I was 22. I took myself off them 2 years ago for several reasons (money, no doctor, side effects). I lead a full and wonderful life without them, but definitely run into days/weeks when I want to be on them again. I had a week this month where I wish I had the chemicals in me to stop making me feel a certain way.
Side effects are the biggest problem I have with meds. From simple things like appetite changes, to more serious side effects of a sexual nature, make sure you know what negative changes come with the positive. I have never been on a medicine that was completely positive, with no negative side effects.
Find a doctor you trust, and give yourself a month or two on the meds to see how they effect you. I 100% believe that meds can be a good thing for people, as long as you know how they are effecting you.