I have been diagnosed with Asperger. I hear from books that aspies do not play imaginative games. I do not play games at all, but I wonder what you think of this:
Something me and my brother played a lot was something we made up called "creature'. This was played with bottle caps. A hundred or so bottle caps on the floor formed the creature, and each type of bottle cap represented a type of cell in the creature's body. Live cells were facing up, and dead cells were facing down. One of us would feed the creature; the other one would operste it. The food was three bottle caps facing down in a pile. The creature would take in the food, and the cells would become alive and take its place within the creature, allowing the creature to grow. At the beginning of the play, the creature may be only one cell, but as it progressed it grew into a large complex with many parts, such as mouth, stomach, etc. It would go through its life cycle, and eventually die, or become an egg for the next creature for another day. The skin was always Pepsi-Cola, and the stomach was Coca-Cola, etc. (Yes, the bottle-cap collection was very old, from a time when sodas had simple metal bottle caps)
As you can see, this is very imaginative, but it is not a game. It is also non-social.
Is this very different from you? Do you think an Aspie would play this?