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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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03 Aug 2014, 2:23 pm

Decided that I am going to delete my Facebook, but keep my Skype and Email. I am sick of the selfie like me like me like me generation. It's disturbing. I post a pic, I get 6 people liking it, but to what purpose? They could just say "nice pic" as people once might have, but no, so much is based on the click of a life button, in the minds of people, and to me it looks like further decay of society, and I can't take part in it anymore. They perform social experiments, they violate our privacy, and we stick with it why? We have phones to text and call, we have email, we have Skype type services, but we stick to FB because friends and family are equally enslaved. No longer for me, I'm leaving it, friends are sad despite living in the same f*****g city as me and having my goddamn number, and that is sad. Only a few years and Facebook means that much to the weak minds of the idiotic majority? That backpacker I talked to in Amsterdam is right, the only way to have any freedom is least escape enslavement by online companies and learn to, and meet, people who can get by living life, instead of basing their self worth on online statistics. Everyone: go out, accomplish something, we are dying one minute at a time. Don't waste life looking at screens and caring about online posts and who likes your pics. Live your lives.


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03 Aug 2014, 5:37 pm

So you're telling me I shouldn't put up pictures of my cartoons and artwork and crafts since that's about the only way I can show them to other people? I even have a few photos of myself and some of my family members. And to think it took me a lot of courage to do something that is actually so stupid and worthless. Well, thanks for telling me -no, reminding me- what a weak-minded, moronic person I am. Goodbye. :(


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03 Aug 2014, 10:41 pm

I like sharing snippets of things that grab my interest on Facebook as each week progresses.

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Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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03 Aug 2014, 11:19 pm

lostonearth, I was referring to selfie obsessed morons. And those who feel the need to share the fact that they are drunk. I hope you are alright. I stand by my post.


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04 Aug 2014, 2:22 pm

I generally agree. However, I do have a Facebook account but it's under a fictional name made to sound middle-eastern/Indian (The NSA well get a kick discovering that person is actually some Caucasian 20-something nerd). I haven't signed on there in a few months. I should since one of the people I'm friends with was going to move. I wasn't able to ask whether she was going to simply move in-town or move, like, 15 miles away from where I am.

See, it's kinda hard to make friends and go to shops when you live mainly in the rural area. The more interesting places are about 6-10 miles away from me. That and I've yet to get any sort of automobile (I could see of I can get a moped...). Thus, I'm essentially forced to stare at screen most of the time. Fortunately, the other times I'm either working (albeitforminimumwage), walking around outside, or drawing.

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04 Aug 2014, 2:47 pm

I'm pretty sure lostonearth was just joking, but it is getting to the point where in the future you are going to have to log in to facebook just to use the internet!


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05 Aug 2014, 6:31 am

I think the "popularity contest" has always been there even before the Internet was developed. Some people boost their self-esteem by showing off how popular they are (or seem to be), sometimes even exaggerating or faking their popularity. I think that the social networking websites such as facebook are making that sort of mentality more noticeable although not all people using them have that sort of mentality.


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05 Aug 2014, 11:36 am

Facebook is just depressing. It is soooo shallow, I can't come up with a metaphor. People have 400+ "friends". No, they are not friends, they are complete strangers who push the Like button. I signed up to stay in touch with my Daughter, but it gets on my nerves. Particularly the people who constantly push their Political views.

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07 Aug 2014, 6:08 am

I have some friends who post interesring stuff about issues and interests we share, but there is one who just posts dozens of selfies and I'm on the brink of just hiding all her posts. Instead of making an album she will post 2 dozen individual selfies. She goes out to a romantic anniversary dinner - she posts 4 individual selfies. Her lens is filthy , her photos are creepy and she's in her late 40's FFS.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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07 Aug 2014, 8:56 am

Facebook attracts and creates a lot of narcissists so I agree and that is my point. The whole "first, let me take a selfie" thing, I just can't stand that stuff anymore. When Facebook once allowed people to turn off the likes and comments feature, I always kept that off, because both praise and disdain annoy me in equal measure. I do not care who "likes" something I decided to share on FB, nor if they dislike something on Facebook. Then, Facebook took that option away. The option to opt out of likes and comments. It's just aggravating that they are so intent on encroaching upon freedom of choice. And on a tangent, have any of you seen how quickly some become sheep? The doge meme, the same memes another just posted, those stupid stick figure memes. All the same crap and everyone eerily sounds similar reading their crap on Facebook. I just couldn't stand it anymore so I had to get away. Don't get me wrong, most of my close and personal friends aren't like that, just, my main reason for getting away from Facebook is idealistic. The concept of the Higher Man and the Last Man. The Higher Man being a powerful individual, and "The Last Man" being the culmination of herd instinct, a weak and despicable final path for humanity. I myself have decided on being a Higher Man and encouraging others to do so, as opposed to being part of the herd. It is at the point where I love when most disagree with me, because when the majority opposes something, it has more individual value. The self vs the idiocy of the majority.


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07 Aug 2014, 9:54 pm

What is your favorite generation?

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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08 Aug 2014, 7:07 am

I was fond of the 90's as a small child


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08 Aug 2014, 7:11 am

I would probably say the 60's.


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08 Aug 2014, 1:21 pm

I was a teenager in the '80's. Big hair and goofy upbeat music - what more can you ask for.


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08 Aug 2014, 3:40 pm

TigerEyes91 wrote:
I was fond of the 90's as a small child

Maybe that's just the thing. I'm sure there were a number of twenty-somethings of your disposition who felt like the generation of 20-somethings in the '90s were the most insipid, moronic, directionless generation to ever walk the face of the planet. Think of all the valley girl, stoner, and surfer dude stereotypes. Young folks in the Western world were getting fat and lazy on their butts, drowned themselves in brainless violent media (TV, video games, etc) listened to stupid music (because it's a myth that every radio station was constantly playing grunge, triphop and conscious rap), and had no clear ideological goal. Everyone wanted to be like the people they saw on BH 90210 or Melrose Place, supermodel was an occupation that was taken seriously, and if you wanted to 'heal the world', you mailed 10 dollars to a charity of your liking.

My nieces are growing up as kids in the 2010s, and to them, everything that's going on right now is part of their daily scenery. They don't know any better, just like you and I didn't know any better or any different back in the '90s. We hadn't experienced the '80s, '70s, or '60s or beyond to compare to. And there's a lot of dumb stuff that went on in any of those decades. It was just different depending what age range you were in. Being 8 years old in 1969 must have been a completely different experience than being 23 in 1969.

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08 Aug 2014, 5:01 pm

Depends on where. Some societies go up and some down and some stay more or less the same.