^The Southern Baptists didn't care for the black Led Zepplin shirt I wore to the revival.They get real worked up over something like that,it's sort of funny in away. That and I giggled when people were going on about being saved.
The Christians in this part of the state are mostly fine,they mind their business and don't go around trying to badger people to attend services.They just put up fliers to invite people and it's more of a social thing.People would sit in lawn chairs in the back of a pickup and ride to church on summer days.Only on the gravel roads.The baptisms were held at the creeks years ago,then later people would eat a lot of food,all of it good I'm sure.
I went to one here where it was just mountain gospel music,that was awesome because nobody was preaching
I am the dust that dances in the light. - Rumi