I'm just wondering, do you guys care much about what people think of you?
Public perception is lifeblood for an actor or a politician. To a lesser degree employment and dating options can be impacted by perceptions. To the extent we need other people, we can be concerned about what they think of us.
Without feedback our concerns can grow to fear such that we can imagine the worst about how we look to others.
If we consider the public life we lead a little like theater, we can find ourselves adopting a persona (character) to become more acceptable to a wider audience. This can create tension for an Aspie because what is finally accepted is not reality by a construct.
The theater metaphor can work if one considers the type of theater where most people "don't get it". If a person presents himself as he is, he may find that 99% of people will avoid him, but there are those with whom he can connect and being accepted by someone who knows the real you is much preferable to someone who likes the persona you created.
I think most of us are not interested in living a crafted persona. However that represents only one end of a spectrum. The other end is a sort of "take it or leave it" attitude that almost invites isolation.
Most of us come to examine ourselves honestly and find that there are times when we talk too much or talk about things other people are not interested in. We can make an effort to change some characteristics without changing who we are. If our concern about what others think helps us to identify personal characteristics that we can improve, it is not a bad thing. If our concern riddles us with fear or the desire to pretend to be something we are not, then it may be unhealthy.