Dantac wrote:
Sounds like its anxiety stemming from you losing your option of having someone familiar with your issues going away. It can be stressful to have to meet a completely new person and tell them very personal things and build a rapport all over again just to get help.
Yeah, and it feels even more stressful now since the psychologist I've been going to now is the first person I feel have actually understood what I'm trying to say. The previous therapists/psychologists I've met haven't really understood and they've complained because of my problems communicating thoughts and emotions etc. I guess I'm worried I'm going to go from someone who seems to get it to someone who's not going to understand at all. I'm also afraid I won't get any help at all.
indy5 wrote:
Have you asked what will happen, after your assessment? I doubt they will just abandon you.
Yes, I've asked. The thing is I've been seeing two psychologist for a few months. One who's been assessing me and one who's been trying to help me to learn how to cope with stress (I have a very low tolerance for stress). I've asked them both and the psychologist who's been helping me with stress said that if I get diagnosed with AS, I should get help from the people who've assessed me and if I've got documented depression and/or anxiety they can help me at the place where I've gone for "stress therapy" as well. When I asked the psychologist who's assessed me she said something about us making a treatment plan together but it sounded like she wasn't certain I'd get some sort of individual sessions with a psychologist (which I feel like I really need). It sounded more like I could attend certain lectures/courses that they provide or that I could go to some sort of discussion group together with other people with AS. I'm really not sure though and it's the uncertainty that makes me really freaking worried right now.