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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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24 Sep 2014, 5:46 pm

Awhile ago I did some reading about sexual orientation and found quite a few types but never found them again.
I'm just curious if anyone knows of any more than just the three.

I've read somewhere about "almost heterosexual" which, is finding the same sex attractive but not emotionally or interested in "all the way".
Then there is Asexual where you're not interested at all but are there any more out there?

Someone said they were "pan sexual" once and described it as being attracted to either gender, equally.



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24 Sep 2014, 7:00 pm

Like anything else it's about accuracy and attention to detail.

How many "gradients" do you want?
What about, "I'd be gay but my gender is too damn ugly and I wouldn't be hetero except the opposite gender can be so damn cuter"?
Or, "I hate one gender's personality traits, but the other gender isn't sexually attractive to me"?
Or, "The gender I'm sexually attracted to is profoundly damaging to me and I'd rather be safe than romantically satisfied"?
  "...but still want sex/romance/love?"

Do these categories get their own cool names too?
Does it matter how people are super-specifically grouped?
Maybe, but doesn't that just lead to more stereotyping and biases?

I dunno.

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24 Sep 2014, 8:38 pm

Well, there's straight, gay and bi, but also heteroromantic, homoromantic, and biromantic. As well as:

Grey-A (people who either has a very low sex drive, or can only feel it in very specific situations, or feels it but doesn't wish to act on it)
Demisexual (someone who is only interested in having intercourse with someone if they have a strong emotional bond with them)
Pansexual (sometimes also called omnisexuality. They feel attraction towards people regardless of gender and do not see gender as important)
Polysexuality (people who identify as polysexual are attracted to more than one gender, but do not wish to be called bi because they think that implies there are only two genders)

Aromantic (which means they feel little or no romantic interest in others, not the same as asexuality)

There's also something called metrosexual, but that's a lifestyle, not a sexual orientation.

Does it matter how people are super-specifically grouped?

I think so. It defines you and is part of your identity.
I don't think it leads to more biases, people don't need a name for what they react negatively to. Me, I like categorizing in super-specifically groups a lot! I wish AS had a lot of categories too, but that's OT.

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Snowy Owl
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24 Sep 2014, 9:20 pm


Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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28 Sep 2014, 3:42 pm

Wow, thanks for the Bisexual Umbrella. It made me smile, I love it.
@Skilpadde: thanks for the list. I like the "romantic" sections, I'm gonna have a gander at that :)

@1401b... I don't think you can be "uglysexual" or "cutesexual" because attractiveness is as they say "in the eye of the beer holder".


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28 Sep 2014, 11:43 pm

Edwooger wrote:
@Skilpadde: thanks for the list. I like the "romantic" sections, I'm gonna have a gander at that :)

YW :) You can read more about them here: ... =Aromantic

I too really liked the umbrella, fossil_n :)

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24 Nov 2014, 7:02 am

I myself have never been one for labels, however our species is full of them. For me, I use the term pansexual, though omnisexual works as well. I don't care if you are male, female, tv, shemale, whatev...if we are attracted to each other and want to play, then play we shall. I am also one who is in the BDSM world...though I also enjoy some tender vanilla moments.

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