The pain of no SRS: Why it won't go away ... -away.html
"You have a responsibility to consider all sides of a problem and a responsibility to make a judgment and a responsibility to care for all involved." --Ian Danskin
Cause dysphoria is a b***h like that.. ever tried tight underwear? I do that... I don't really try tuck it in or whatever people do.. I just find that keeps it in place and I no longer feel it.. don't know if that would work for everyone though. There is one problem that does happen sometimes.. when a testicle decides to slip out the side occasionally .. that = ouchies.
I'm kind of struggling myself with it.. got to lose weight, which has been tough .. not as hard as having to get a stupid amount of money because your government doesn't believe in healthcare though I bet..
Try and stay strong... not always easy I know. I wish I could help everyone who needed srs...
I've preferred boxers. I always arrange them so I don't feel the thing brush up against my skin.
Sorry for the question earlier. It was foolish as apparently you haven't had SRS.
I really hope all 3 of us here can get SRS soon.
"You have a responsibility to consider all sides of a problem and a responsibility to make a judgment and a responsibility to care for all involved." --Ian Danskin
Last edited by beneficii on 30 Sep 2014, 1:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sea Gull

Joined: 23 May 2008
Age: 43
Gender: Female
Posts: 211
Location: Orange County, California
I can afford SRS but I will never be able to pass. I don't even live part-time as a woman.
My gender dysphoria is pretty severe now. With the slightest trigger, I will wince in pain and start to cry. It's mostly about my face, but I also want "them" gone. During my crying fits, I often imagine taking them out with garden shears...which of course I'd never actually do.
I live a very unhappy life now and wish I were never born. I hope some random accident kills me, because I don't have the courage to handle it myself.
Yeah that's always the most annoying thing... makes me feel sick. x.x'
Umm.. which question was this? ^^; I feel like I missed something...
Yeah that's always the most annoying thing... makes me feel sick. x.x'
Umm.. which question was this? ^^; I feel like I missed something...
I had asked if you had SRS, but then you describe how you deal with "them" with your underwear, so it became clear to me that you didn't have SRS.
We're stuck in the same boat, huh? Or will you be able to get SRS, soon?
"You have a responsibility to consider all sides of a problem and a responsibility to make a judgment and a responsibility to care for all involved." --Ian Danskin
i cant realy understand this becuse im not transgender, i like my penis, and i dont realy know where you live (your blog has japanese writing on it but i dont think your japanese?) but if you moved to anotherr country with real healthcare they woulld pay for your surgery. i know thats saying lot because not onlly have to uproot youself from entire life you have going on in yuor own country but then you have to figure out the immigration legal issues and where you are going to live and what you are going to do in new counttry, but i think if something matters this much to you, that might at this point be more feasiblle for you than trying to save up so much money and pay out of pocket for all that especialy if your already in debt and you are having troublle even working.
Níb caram-si, á Áes catha
Yeah that's always the most annoying thing... makes me feel sick. x.x'
Umm.. which question was this? ^^; I feel like I missed something...
I had asked if you had SRS, but then you describe how you deal with "them" with your underwear, so it became clear to me that you didn't have SRS.
We're stuck in the same boat, huh? Or will you be able to get SRS, soon?
Still stuck, I was discharged from Charring Cross until I lose the weight.. though with the way things are going I worry that by the time I do it the Tories will have had their way and the NHS will be gone or unable to provide srs... =/
Yeah that's always the most annoying thing... makes me feel sick. x.x'
Umm.. which question was this? ^^; I feel like I missed something...
I had asked if you had SRS, but then you describe how you deal with "them" with your underwear, so it became clear to me that you didn't have SRS.
We're stuck in the same boat, huh? Or will you be able to get SRS, soon?
Still stuck, I was discharged from Charring Cross until I lose the weight.. though with the way things are going I worry that by the time I do it the Tories will have had their way and the NHS will be gone or unable to provide srs... =/
That fear may be overstated for you, thankfully. The NHS supplies SRS based on a court ruling in 1999, in which the court stated that the NHS could not completely disregard gender dysphoria as a disease, and had to put at least some of its funds towards it. That's at least my memory of it.
I believe you also have protection for SRS under European human rights law. In 2002 or 2003, a European court ruled that German insurance companies had to provide coverage for SRS.
But it sucks they got you on the weight. Gatekeeping... ouch.
"You have a responsibility to consider all sides of a problem and a responsibility to make a judgment and a responsibility to care for all involved." --Ian Danskin
Yeah that's always the most annoying thing... makes me feel sick. x.x'
Umm.. which question was this? ^^; I feel like I missed something...
I had asked if you had SRS, but then you describe how you deal with "them" with your underwear, so it became clear to me that you didn't have SRS.
We're stuck in the same boat, huh? Or will you be able to get SRS, soon?
Still stuck, I was discharged from Charring Cross until I lose the weight.. though with the way things are going I worry that by the time I do it the Tories will have had their way and the NHS will be gone or unable to provide srs... =/
That fear may be overstated for you, thankfully. The NHS supplies SRS based on a court ruling in 1999, in which the court stated that the NHS could not completely disregard gender dysphoria as a disease, and had to put at least some of its funds towards it. That's at least my memory of it.
I believe you also have protection for SRS under European human rights law. In 2002 or 2003, a European court ruled that German insurance companies had to provide coverage for SRS.
But it sucks they got you on the weight. Gatekeeping... ouch. ... 44690.html
Ouch. I fear that if Congress here turns Republican, then the progress made of Medicare covering SRS could be undone.
"You have a responsibility to consider all sides of a problem and a responsibility to make a judgment and a responsibility to care for all involved." --Ian Danskin