Allow myself to introduce myself...
This is my first post, I am monastic's son (the youngest) and I was diagnosed High Functioning Autistic, OCD, and borderline AS, July of 2003.
I collect Stereoview cards, the various types of recorded music from wax cylinders to compact discs, old typewriters and telephones as well as video games from Atari 2600 to Sony Playstation 2 and everything in between.
I have quite a bit of experience to draw from, for instance; I have been in the grocery business for 8 years, have 2 years of college experience, graduated from high school 9 years ago. I have fought many of the same battles you have in the Neuro-typical world and can express that I have been ridiculed, criticized, and persecuted many a times for my views and beliefs yet have always stood my ground and can be very uncompromising as well as being labelled stubborn. You should not doubt your oppinions when they are methodically and rationally thought out. When they are done by use of emotional preliminary or generalized position statement (irrational outburst) it can be used against you in the work environment I have observed.
I hope I can offer some advice or opinions on a variety of subjects or issues in question, but I must note that since this is my first time posting on a forum there might be a lapse of time between each post.
- Istari -
Hi from Ghosthunter. Istari I see that you sound
about 25 range, which should have by now allowed
good coping skills. I hope to see your insight
into HFA. I am HFA and you seem to be the
only one other than me to openly say it.
I have never claimed Aspergers. How many
years were you in a special school? I was from
age 3-6 range. What were you NVLD learning
issues. I remember only parts of my age until
age 15 and then after 15 all became remebered.
I know I didn't speak properly!
I know I had hearing tests!
I know that I was being taught wrong words to wrong
pictures to differenciate truth from lies that I wouldn't
identify other wise.
And I had many other variables unknown to me.
"If not in regular school and I.E.P in 2 or more
years that means there was something significantly
Anyways ,
From Ghosthunter
Hmmmm? Hope to hear from you soon!
Istari, welcome to the forums. I don't understand how you can have HFA and borderline AS. Aren't they mutually exclusive diagnoses?
What are Stereoview cards? Is that something like Viewmaster? I liked Viewmaster very much when I was younger. I had 3D and talking versions. I also used to be really interested in stereogram images, and still am to some extent.
Somewhere in the basement I have an Odyssey 2 system. I believe this was a contemporrary of Atari 2600 and Colecovision.
Hello Ghosthunter,
Thank you for your reply. You guessed very close to my age (26) I went to public schools and struggled with certain subjects but was in regular classrooms and I disliked Standardized Testing. They did not think to put me in special classes. I was labelled stubborn, lazy, slow reader, and a daydreamer.
Hello Platypus,
Yes you were correct. Stereoview cards are the ancestor of Viewmaster cards.
As for the borderline AS, since I did not start talking until I was 3 years old I was diagnosed with HFA (also because of stims at an early age and other things) my psychologist thought I was a classic case of AS in adulthood though I think I was hard to diagnose. Autism is prevelent in our family and we all seem to have the same pattern even my 5 year old nephew.
"Though violence may have cleared away obstructions quickly, it has never proven itself creative." - Albert Einstein -