I drive, been driving for 30 odd years. I've even driven professionally, which is more why I don't like to drive now, spending over 14 hours a day behind the wheel really wears you out. Problems I face still, are size of the vehicle and spaces; speed. I don't indicate as often as I should. I prefer to drive on the deserted open road than in the cities. But city driving you have to get into the zone and once there you'll be alright - bit like dodgem cars. You need to concentrate all the time while driving, whether you're an aspie or not. Know what's happening 360 degrees around you. I don't talk while driving, passengers tend to bother me and confuse my concentration. Aggressive music is a big no in the car - but cool music is a must. Never drive with emotion - if you're in an emotional state take a break. Take your time, a break in the traffic will come eventually. Stay well away from the big rigs and remember if in Australia, dusk and dawn are roo time.
I did have to do another driving test a few years ago now, and the examiner was very distracting, so even though I drove fine, he had distracted me at obscure road signs so I failed. The next time I went for it I ignored the examiner completely, just grunted at his instruction and passed with 100%.
"For he that does good, having the unlimited power to do evil deserves praise not only for the good which he performs, but for the evil which he forbears."
(W Scott)