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14 Oct 2014, 3:03 pm

I know this is a very old game, but this has been fun back then when it was released. It's "The Sims 1", I would like to know if there is still people who is playing or hacking this game till now (Most unlikely, but possible), but anyway, how did you all liked this game before when it was released?


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14 Oct 2014, 3:25 pm

I never got to pay The Sims 1 because my PC was too old. I only got to play it on Gamecube, and it was pretty much "meh". It was the Sims Bustin' Out for Gamecube, which was more like The Sims 1 with extra features and a wacky storyline added that really got me into the franchise.


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14 Oct 2014, 3:55 pm

I loved Sims 1! I actually never got beyond it to the other Sims, but that was okay as I enjoyed it for what it was. After a while, it did get a bit repetitive. But I enjoyed building houses from scratch, I really loved that feature. I think I was more into the house design aspect than the lives of the Sims who lived in them, lol.


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14 Oct 2014, 5:03 pm

It was my favorite game for a long time. I didn't buy it because my parents were strongly against paying for something that kills time like a computer game but my mom brought me some hacked Sims1 CDs from her friend that got them from someone else and couldn't make them work because they were messed up. I was like 12 year old and totally new with computers but I soon figured out whats wrong and made a working copy by mixing files from 2 wrongly burned CDs. I was so proud once the hacked game started to work! I burned a working copy for moms friend and she gave it to her, with a written instruction how to use the crack thing. She was surprised when the game really installed on her computer.

Later I got some copies of Sims 1 addons from the woman. This time they were working - the guy she got them from finally learned how to burn CDs properly. My computer could only have max. 2 addons installed due to low HDD space and I have had pretty much all of them so I gave them to my friends for letting me play at their computer.
I especially liked the vacation and animals addons.

Ehh. Good old times. Now you not only can get arrested when you use hacked games but also can be sure your computer gets infected when you do. Nothing like that was known when I was a kid.


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18 Oct 2014, 12:26 am

I used to play it all the time. I loved that game and still have some odd memories of what I thought about during the loading screens. Makin Magic was one of the best expansion packs in probably all of sims history, I'm not sure if magic has ever been done like it was back then, but it was so fun collecting ingredients and making the charms. They were so cool looking I just wanted to collect all of them. Actually you know what I think that the Sims 1 has the best expansions out of all the games. Date Night, Vacation, and Superstar were so fantastic. I could just be seeing it through nostalgia goggles though but from what I remember, Superstar is the best out of all the Hollywood-esque expansions for the series. I just had a huge fondness for the items added in and the way the star system worked. Date Night had pretty items and idk I was incredibly excited that I could change my sims' sleepwear for once.


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19 Oct 2014, 11:33 am

my fav memory playing sims 1 was...

i had a single father, and a son... one night about 3am, dad decided to get up and go grillin... i guess he was too tired cuz he wound up settin the back of the house on fire... when i tried to wake the son up to dial 911, the kid decides he'd rather go scream in a panic at the fire. luckily, the red truck showed up on it's own. but the dad was scarred for life and refused to go in the back yard after that. hahahahahahah sims!


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16 Jan 2015, 11:19 pm

When I read about annoying sounds/voices in video games on TV Tropes the other day it said that in The Sims 1 the Simlish screaming from your characters when they need something is bad enough, but they do it while in the middle of fulfilling that need, such as when they are using the toilet and then stop and yell at you that they need to use the toilet, and the few seconds that could have been used to empty their bladder are wasted and they pee themselves. That made me think the Sims 1 must not be a very good game after all. :( I guess you'd just have to be extra careful their needs don't get too low, especially hunger.


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16 Jan 2015, 11:50 pm

Oh man, THAT game. Ah, I loved the hell outta the original Sims, and the series has been pretty good ever since.

The very first game also had the single stupidest Sim death I ever saw in the genre.

I was playing as the Newbie family. Good ol' Bob Newbie. He was alone at the house at one point, and I had bought them this magic lamp thing. The lamp, summoned a genie which would give a variety of beneficial things, but he'd screw up his magic every now and then and cause something bad to happen, which could be a bunch of different things. That time, when Bob summoned him, the bad effect that resulted was that something caught on fire at random. What was this something? Why, it was good ol' Bob, of course! Of the tons of objects in the house that the fire could have targeted, it hit him.

So, Bob flips out, and sorta runs around a bit, and ends up standing in the doorway, burning. The fire alarm for the house goes off, and the fire truck pulls up, and firemen get out, aaaaand.... they run up to the door, and just stand there. The AI was good about pathfinding and things like that, but to it, a door was JUST a door... and so was anything in the space it occupied. So, Bob is standing there burning to death, and the confused firemen also just stand there, because the AI cannot comprehend what is going on, and simply thinks there's no way into the house, because the door is "closed" to them. Eventually of course, poor Bob was gone.

Stupidest... Sim death.... ever.


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17 Jan 2015, 5:30 pm

Oh, God, I spent hours and hours and days and days playing the first 'Sims'. I was already a devotee of the 'Sim' games when the first game came out (and up until then had spent hours and hours and days and days playing 'SimCity 2000') and 'The Sims' practically enveloped my life. I spent my youth at three different houses: my mom's most of the time, my grandparents' when my mom was away at work and my dad's on the weekends. All three had computers and I played 'The Sims' on all three. It was non-stop.

I guess it's an Aspie trait, but the repetition of building, designing and decorating houses never wore off for me. I built replica houses of everything from my own family's houses to houses from movies and TV, often downloading skins off the internet so I could get the right carpet/wallpaper/clothes/etc. I probably enjoyed that more than I did actually playing with and interacting with the characters.

I played 'The Sims' right up until the release of the last expansion pack 'Makin' Magic' in 2003. I never got 'The Sims 2' and never really followed up with the series again. I'm kind of afraid to, to be quite honest, since I wouldn't want to get hooked on it again like I did 15 years ago.

lostonearth35 wrote:
...such as when they are using the toilet and then stop and yell at you that they need to use the toilet, and the few seconds that could have been used to empty their bladder are wasted and they pee themselves. That made me think the Sims 1 must not be a very good game after all.

That just makes it sound like the greatest game of all time. :mrgreen: Everyone kind of takes sadistic pleasure in their Sims' misfortune. Who among us hasn't locked our Sims in a closed room filled with wooden chairs and made them set off bottle rockets to envelop them all in flames, or removed the ladder from the swimming pool while they were taking a dip so that they would keep swimming until they died from exhaustion? It's like playing God, except the Old Testament style God where you're killing everyone. :twisted:

It always bugged me, though, that the Sims' pee puddles were blue, like water. I mean, it's an inconsequential detail, but unless they're a different species or something, it would have made me much less uncomfortable if it was plain yellow.


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25 Jan 2015, 1:08 pm

I have been playing the Sims since it came out. I loved the 1st gen, although it could get rather boring after a while, hence I often made elaborate attempts to kill them... I remember I had a chemistry lab and the cops turned up and complained about it then fined me! I'm stuck with sims 3 because I can't afford Sims4 and from what I've heard, it's not that great anyway.

I have HFA, ADHD, OCD & Tourette syndrome. I love animals, especially my bunnies and hamster. I skate in a roller derby team (but I'll try not to bite ;) )