Ca be both: By gay and be masculine macho like?

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17 Oct 2014, 9:21 am

Question for Gay Man?

Does man can be homosexual but stay manly man? I do not want insult anyone. But often gay man are portrayed as effeminate EMO like, but i wonder does are gay man who are macho like? In positive sense of course, not brainless muscle man :D


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17 Oct 2014, 9:47 am

Are all straight men manly man men?
Are all straight women effeminate girly girl women?

Why would this difference in character be any different for gay people?

Openly autistic.


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17 Oct 2014, 12:46 pm

A lot of pro bodybuilders (Jim Morris, Chris Dickerson, and Bob Paris are all good examples) are openly gay, so there are plenty of manly homosexuals as well.

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17 Oct 2014, 1:00 pm

My hubby used to know a gay guy who did a lot of cross-country bike racing, was a body builder, and drove a jacked-up truck that he rebuilt himself. This fellow and his husband (Arkansas didn't allow gay marriage, of course, but COME ON) were both buff and manly as all get out.

Makes sense enough to me. I guess the cultural term for "a manly homosexual man" down there was "bear."

If it has a cultural term, it's probably pretty common.

There are "butch" lesbians and "lipstick lesbians," so why not????

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17 Oct 2014, 1:17 pm

pawelk1986 wrote:
Question for Gay Man?

Does man can be homosexual but stay manly man? I do not want insult anyone. But often gay man are portrayed as effeminate EMO like, but i wonder does are gay man who are macho like? In positive sense of course, not brainless muscle man :D

I'm not gay, but obviously you aren't aware of gay subcultures. Basically, yeah, that's a thing. Big time.


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17 Oct 2014, 2:45 pm

Just as there are plenty of straight guys who act sensitive and feminine, there are plenty of gay guys who act "manly" and macho. The whole "effeminate gay guy" thing is just a stereotype, and one that's probably had a negative effect on society's acceptance of lgbt individuals.

Anyway, the popular term for a "manly" gay man is a "bear", and the popular term for a "feminine" straight man is "metrosexual". Both of these groups are prevalent enough that there are names for them.


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21 Oct 2014, 12:31 am

Basically what everyone's said already. It would be interesting to see some statistics about the portion of gay men who are masculine vs. effeminate (and in between), although I doubt that such statistics exist. That said, I suspect that most gay men are probably fairly masculine. I wouldn't go so far as to say "macho", but masculine enough that you wouldn't be able to guess that they're gay. I guess I'd fall into that category and have been told that I'm quite masculine, although I don't consider myself especially masculine, any more than I'd consider myself especially feminine.


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21 Oct 2014, 5:05 am


I've met many masculine gay guys.

And I am one.

Everyone just assumes I'm straight & for the most part I let them.

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25 Mar 2019, 6:24 am

I think there's three main 'types' of gay guys.

1 Camp guys who aren't masculine or maybe are in that Village People way
2 Straight acting guys who might as well be straight except who they go to bed with or fall in love with. This is presupposing all straight guys are the same which is also wrong but who people would assume are gay
3 Bears. Leather culture. Tom of Finland. After all, gay guys don't have to act 'civilised' for the Mrs. (assuming all women are feminine, men who date tomboys also don't).

The beat generation seemed to be full of 3 type homosexuals.

Anyway you can be a variety as can anyone of any gender. These are just the three stereotypical ideas of gay guys I have noticed.


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26 Mar 2019, 11:00 pm

Gay men

Macho men

Venn diagram

A lot of overlap

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