Hello everyone,
[comment please, I want to read your opinion]
I'm reading regular about the topics posted in the section 'Love and Dating', and what always is very noticable, is that the people who have no problem in relationships tell other people they should do x. Or that they are the problem. Also the gender difference is very clear, females on average have less problems in finding a mate then males have. Females are less diagnosed for reasons... Because you only have a diagnosis when you had bad experience, thus, females are less likely to have this bad experience and that's why they are less likely to have a diagnosis.
It's fake to say that females are less likely to be recognized, it's a shame and stupid logical fallacy!
This reminds me of something I read recently, and I believe 100% of the people who're reading this post will deny this simple but painful FACT.
Also, I'm a male who has problems in finding a mate, and I don't think it's a shame in the conditions I raised and the experience I have had in the past. I say this: "I have problems in finding a mate, and I don't know the reason why, but it's definitely not because I'm not caring or something, but because people find me creepy when I'm in fact very kind".
Everyone can say this: "girls also like nice guys" blablabla....
I'm fed up, and I do'tt want that setence, because I just know from my experience (and you didn't had my experience) that this is not the case.
Sure some females have relationships with 'nice guys', but most of the females are not. In the 60 before the sexual revolution most of the males didn't want relationships with some types of females too, which why this has triggered the feminism revolution.
I know people don't like me, and that's why I was diagnosed when I was 10. I don't have delusions, I know very well what I experience.
Anyone has advice?????????, I hope not!! !!
This is what I want you to read, I didn't write it myself, because I dont use methaphores, I'm very literal (= LITERAL INTERPRETATION)
(this is written by a neurotypical male):
"I've heard my name and the word "misogynist" used in the same sentence before. It is sad that this is the case because I am in a unique position to identify with and personally empathize with women throughout history who were abused by men while society looked on, or worse yet, incarcerated those who spoke out against it.
So what is my stance on men's rights? What about feminism, women's rights or gender issues in general?
Well, this will anger a lot of people because it is true and it is mostly hidden for the time being from credibility in the public eye. There are a lot of abused and repressed men out there who are eventually going to grow a backbone and start to assimilate into a unified force. Just as the pendulum has swung wildly in favour of women's rights, there will come a day when the apogee is reached, and things start to slide downhill in the other direction. I?m probably a little ahead of my time in foreseeing this because it has not yet become obvious to most people just how angry and upset men are about being treated with such disrespect and unfairness. It may not even be obvious to the men themselves as the tension builds and they struggle to understand their own consternation. Rest assured there will come a time when the house of cards begins to fall, so preparation for that day would be a good thing.
So that's my stance on what is and what will be. How about what I will do about it?
When the time comes, and the camel's back is broke, I will stand up and say this: There are a lot of men who have been violated, abused and even terrorized. It was an unjust thing to have happened, and it was wrong of society to turn a blind eye at best or further rub salt in the wound via persecution at worst. A lot of downtrodden men are fed up and want to reclaim their rights and their dignity by seeing those who have perpetrated this heinous violation of human rights pay for what they have done. There are a lot of angry men out there, and I DON'T HAVE TO BE ONE OF THEM.
For you see, rights and dignity is something which comes from within, not without. So long as you recognize this, nobody can take that away, no matter how much force they use or how violently that pendulum swings. It's just a back-and-forth game of politics that is pretty childish and immature if you ask me. Take yourself out of the game and see what happens.
Now... once we've gotten past that, how about we all stop identifying ourselves by our gender? How about we just see people as individuals for who they are and what they do, not what they are and who they do And while we're at it, why not include acceptance of race, faith, physical traits and neurodiversity into the mix? Imagine that. There's some intermediate sociology 201 for you."
Drew Mcpherson
I'm not the one who has written that text, because I don't use methaphores as often, and my words are much more literal.
Anyway, I think the person who has written this is right, because I'm treated unfair in the past.
Last edited by paxfilosoof on 07 Nov 2014, 6:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.